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Uticaj strukture i veličine granula različitih koštanih zamenika na neoangiogenezu pri regeneraciji kosti

dc.contributor.advisorČolić, Snježana
dc.contributor.otherStojčev-Stajčić, Ljiljana
dc.contributor.otherAleksić, Zoran
dc.contributor.otherSopta, Jelena
dc.contributor.otherVasić, Jugoslav
dc.creatorPejović, Marko
dc.description.abstractAngiogenesis spatially and temporally precedes osteogenesis and it is required for both ossification processes, intramembranous and enchondral. Consequently, bone regeneration could not be achieved without adequate bone defect revascularisation. In addition to morphology and bone defect structure, bone healing and revascularisation are also influenced by choice of bone substitute. It is necessery to complete two preconditions for successful graft healing and integration and they are: blood vessels ingrowth from surrounding bone walls into defect and close contact between bone substitute surface and vascularized tissue. The main objective of the doctoral dissertation was to evaluate whether size and structure of the bone substitute particles have an effect on neoangiogenesis and therefore on a new bone formation. The control experimental study was carried out on rabbit animal model. The study included ten New Zealand rabbits. On both sides of cranial vault two 8mm-diameter defects were formed and filled with bone substitute particles. The tested materials are commercially available in two dimensions and contained the following deproteinized bovine bone minerals in the form of small particles (Bio-Oss 250-1000μm, Geistlich AG,Switzerland), deproteinized bovine bone minerals in the form of large particles (Bio-Oss 1000-2000μm, Geistlich AG,Switzerland), deantigenated equine-derived bone in the form of small particles (Osteoxenon 500-1000μm, Bioteck, Italy) and deantigenated equine-derived bone in the form of large particles (Osteoxenon 2000-3000μm, Bioteck, Italy). After 4 and 8 weeks the animals were sacrifised and tissue samples were prepared for pathohistological analysis. The neoangiogenesis characteristics were analized using histological, histochemical and immunochistochemical methods. Besides, microCT analise was used to reckon morphological features as well as differences among all examined bone substitutes. The research results showed morphological basis for more intense neoangiogenesis in case of large particles used, regardless the type of xenograft origin. When the word is about large particles, the value of microvessel density after 8 weeks of healing was higher in defects filled with Osteoxenon particles than Bio-Oss ones. Regarding to small particles the opposite results were found. After 8 weeks of healing more intense neoagiogenesis was found in defect filled with Bio-Oss small particles. The rate of defect revascularisation was followed by appropriate new bone formation. Furthermore, results indicated that Bio-Oss and Osteoxenon have potential to induce foreign body giant cells formation regardless the particles’ size. The greatest number of foreign body giant cells was found in defect filled with Osteoxenon small particles. There was decreasing tendency in number of foreign body giant cells of between 4 and 8 weeks. The research has shown that large particles provide more space for vascular ingrowth and therefore more new bone formation. Decreasing tendency of foreign body giant cells number or their scattered presence could point to achieve immunological equilibrium and successful osseointegration in both examined biomaterials. In accordance with our results it does not seem that collagen inside the mineral structure of Osteoxenon particles have an effect on angiogenesis and osteogenesis as well.en
dc.description.abstractAngiogeneza je proces koji prostorno i vremenski prethodi osteogenezi i neophodna je za odvijanje kako intramembranozne tako i enhondralne osifikacije. Shodno tome, regeneracija kosti ne može biti postignuta bez adekvatne revaskularizacije. Pored morfologije i strukture koštanog defekta, zarastanje kosti i revaskularizacija koštanog defekta zavise i od izbora koštanog zamenika.Za uspešno zarastanje i integraciju grafta neophodno je ispuniti dva preduslova: prorastanje krvnih sudova iz zidova koštanog defekta, i blizak kontakt između površine koštanog zamenika i vaskularizovanog tkiva. Cilj doktorske disertacije bio je ispitati da li različita veličina i struktura granula koštanih zamenika ima uticaj na neoangiogenezu a samim tim i na stvaranje nove kosti. Kontrolisano eksperimentalno istraživanje sprovedeno je na animalnom modelu kunića. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo deset novozelandskih belih kunića. S obe strane svoda lobanje formirana su po dva defekta kritične veličine promera 8mm koji su bili ispunjeni granulama koštanog zamenika. Ispitivani materijali su komercijalno dostupni u dve veličine i obuhvatali su sledeće: deproteinizovani goveđi mineral u formi sitnih granula (Bio-Oss 250-1000μm, Geistlich AG,Switzerland), deproteinizovani goveđi mineral u formi krupnih granula (Bio-Oss 1000-2000μm, Geistlich AG,Switzerland), deantigenizovanu kost konjskog porekla u formi sitnih granula (Osteoxenon 500-1000μm, Bioteck, Italy) i deantigenizovanu kost konjskog porekla u formi krupnih granula (Osteoxenon 2000-3000μm, Bioteck, Italy). Životinje su bile žrtvovane nakon 4 i nakon 8 nedelja, a uzorci tkiva su obrađeni za patohistološku analizu. Karakteristike neoangiogeneze analizirane su histološkim, histohemijskim i imunohistohemijskim metodama. Pored toga, mikroCT analiza korišćena je za procenu morfoloških karakteristika i razlika između ispitivanih koštanih zamenika. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su morfološku osnovu intenzivnije neoangiogeneze u slučaju primene krupnih granula, bez obzira na poreklo ispitivanog ksenografta. Kada su u pitanju krupne granule, gustina vaskularne mreže nakon 8 nedelja zarastanja bila je veća u defektima ispunjenim Osteoxenonom u odnosu na Bio-Oss. Međutim, kada je reč o sitnim granulama, nakon 8 nedelja zarastanja gustina vaskularne mreže bila je veća u defektima ispunjenim partikulama Bio-Ossa u odnosu na defekte ispunjene Osteoxenonom. Veću gustinu vaskularne mreže pratila je intenzivnija produkcija koštanog tkiva. Pored toga, rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da i Bio-Oss i Osteoxenon imaju sposobnost da indukuju stvaranje džinovskih ćelija tipa oko stranog tela, bez obzira na veličinu granula. Najveći broj džinovskih ćelija tipa oko stranog tela zabeležen je u defektima ispunjenim sitnim granulama Osteoxenona. Postojala je tendencija smanjenja broja ovih ćelija između 4. i 8. nedelje zarastanja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da krupne granule obezbeđuju više prostora za prorastanje novih krvnih sudova a samim tim i za fomiranje nove kosti. Tendencija smanjenja broja džinovskih ćelija tipa oko stranog tela ili njihovo sporadično prisustvo mogu ukazivati na postignut „imunološki ekvilibrijum” i uspešnu integraciju oba ispitivana biomaterijala. U skladu sa dobijenim rezultatima, čini se da kolagen unutar mineralne strukture Osteoxenona ne utiče na angiogenezu i osteogenezu.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Stomatološki fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/175075/RS//
dc.subjectbone defectsen
dc.subjectparticle sizeen
dc.subjectkoštani defektsr
dc.subjectveličina granulasr
dc.titleEffect of structure and size of different bone substitute particles on neoangiogenesis during bone regenerationen
dc.titleUticaj strukture i veličine granula različitih koštanih zamenika na neoangiogenezu pri regeneraciji kostisr
dcterms.abstractЧолић, Сњежана; Васић, Југослав; Сопта, Јелена; Aлексић, Зоран; Стојчев-Стајчић, Љиљана; Пејовић, Марко; Утицај структуре и величине гранула различитих коштаних заменика на неоангиогенезу при регенерацији кости; Утицај структуре и величине гранула различитих коштаних заменика на неоангиогенезу при регенерацији кости;



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