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Etika i marketing u estetskoj stomatologiji

dc.creatorObradović-Đuričić, Kosovka
dc.creatorĐuričić, Tijana
dc.creatorMedić, Vesna
dc.creatorRadović, Katarina
dc.description.abstractContemporary dentistry is, first of all, characterized by diverse accelerated development, owing to improvements of information and other technologies, as well as the development of dental materials (shape-memory biomaterials, nanomaterials, biomaterials for application in tissue engineering, etc.). Expert doctrinaire attitudes move from the direction of operative interventions, whereby disease and acute symptoms are primarily treated, towards the strengthening of oral health by minimally invasive procedures. A particular place in patients’ total rehabilitation belongs to numerous esthetic procedures which, to a large extent, make up a wants-based service, led by the patients’ needs and affinities. This paper deals with differences between cosmetic and esthetic dentistry. The complexity of esthetic dentistry, which favors therapy with the change of function parameters in care for the patient, is emphasized. On the other hand, more attention is paid to the need to know and respect ethical and marketing principles that follow any activity of dentists, starting from the first contact with the patient, the selection of certified materials, to the implementation of the appropriate treatment plan. Well-directed communication and comprehensive awareness of the patient, the use of the visual analog scale, consideration of realistic resources in therapy, and the acceptance of de Bono model of adopted parallel thinking are determinants which help dentists define a problem adequately, find quality solutions, open alternative solutions, and reduce the potential risks in patients’ therapy.en
dc.description.abstractDanašnju stomatologiju karakteriše ubrzani razvoj zahvaljujući unapređenju informacionih i drugih tehnologija, kao i razvoju dentalnih materijala (biomaterijali sa memorisanim oblikom, nanomaterijali, biomaterijali za primenu u tkivnom inženjeringu i dr.). Stručni doktrinarni stavovi kreću se iz pravca operativnih intervencija, kojima se primarno saniraju bolest i akutni simptomi, ka jačanju oralnog zdravlja malo invazivnim postupcima. Posebno mesto u sveukupnoj rehabilitaciji bolesnika pripada brojnim estetskim procedurama, koje u velikoj meri čine praksu vođenu potrebama i afi- nitetima bolesnika. U radu se diskutuje o razlikama u poimanju kozmetske i estetske stomatologije. Naglašena je složenost estetske stomatologije, koja daje prednost terapiji sa promenom funkcijskih parametara u zbrinjavanju bolesnika. S druge strane, akcenat se stavlja na potrebu poznavanja i poštovanja etičkih i marketinških načela koja prate svaku aktivnost lekara, počev od prvog kontakta sa bolesnikom, odabira sertifikovanog materijala do realizacije odgovarajućeg terapijskog plana. Dobro usmerena komunikacija i sveobuhvatna informisanost bolesnika, upotreba VAS skale, kao i sagledavanje realnih resursa u terapiji odrednice su koje pomažu stomatologu da definiše problem na pravi način, iznađe kvalitetna rešenja, otvori alternativne solucije i smanji moguće rizike u terapiji
dc.publisherSrpsko lekarsko društvo, Beograd
dc.sourceSrpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
dc.subjectesthetic dentistryen
dc.subjectcosmetic dentistryen
dc.subjectestetska stomatologijasr
dc.subjectkozmetska stomatologijasr
dc.titleEthics and marketing in esthetic dentistryen
dc.titleEtika i marketing u estetskoj stomatologijisr
dcterms.abstractОбрадовић-Ђуричић, Косовка; Ђуричић, Тијана; Медић, Весна; Радовић, Катарина; Етика и маркетинг у естетској стоматологији; Етика и маркетинг у естетској стоматологији;
dc.citation.other145(9-10): 540-545

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