Radosavljević, Radivoje

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  • Radosavljević, Radivoje (2)

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The therapeutic modalities examination in controlling the radiation mucositis of the postresectional defects of the orofacial region cancer

Radosavljević, Radivoje

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Stomatološki fakultet, 2016)

AU  - Radosavljević, Radivoje
PY  - 2016
UR  - http://eteze.bg.ac.rs/application/showtheses?thesesId=3717
UR  - https://fedorabg.bg.ac.rs/fedora/get/o:12535/bdef:Content/download
UR  - http://vbs.rs/scripts/cobiss?command=DISPLAY&base=70036&RID=48127247
UR  - http://nardus.mpn.gov.rs/123456789/6351
UR  - https://smile.stomf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1007
AB  - Introduction: The significance of multi-dimensional influence of maxillofacial tumors brought about an increased interest in patients "Quality of Life". The studies of Quality of Life give clinical information about the disease effects, therapy and undesired effects. The advantages for the patients in these studies are such that they can express their opinion on the negative aspects of the disease and contribute in making therapeutic decisions since the period of outliving is not directly connected with the improvement of QOL. The aim of this study was to research the effects of various therapeutic modalities on radiation mucositis in patients with postresectional defects of orofacial region. Methodology: This study includes 30 patients with orofacial region cancer who were consecutively prosthetically rehabilitated after the surgical threatment and subjected to radiotherapy. The patients were divided into three groups of respondents. By random selection method, one group of respondents had a standard protocol in radiation mucositis therapy representing control group. The second and the third group had preparations Stomatovis and Gelclair along with standard therapy representing experimental groups. BMS questionnaires (0., and control) were used in visual qualification of the patients symptomatology. Evaluation of quality of life data was done by the questionnaire EORTC QLQ C-30 in version 3.0 and its addition QLQ H&N35, in the Serbian language. The questionnaire OHIP20 (The Oral Health Impact Profile) was used in evaluation the Quality of the prosthetic therapy in patients. Both microbiological work of material patterns and identification of isolated kinds of microorganisms were done in the laboratory - department Microbiology and Immunology of the Dentistry School in Belgrade. The treatment meant standard microscopic, cultural and biochemical identification. The identification meant standard bacteriological methods and quantification was done counting sprouted colonies on the sown nourishing bases. The results are expressed as the total number CFU (Colony Forming Unit) of the sprouted colonies per material pattern. Results: Patients symptomatology got worse through the testing phases. High values of xerostomia, taste disorder, pain and too low values of salivary flow in the BMS control questionnaire show the secondary harmful effect of the radiation. The intensity of symptoms gradually increased through all three phases of research in Gelclair group of respondents compared with Control and Stomatovis groups. Gelclair group respondents had mainly less trouble in swallowing food during all the phases of radiation and considerably less pain during the second and third phase of radiation. They had less trouble in social eating, less painful sensations and less painful spots in their mouths. They were less nervous having the problem with prostheses, were more tolerant with their inmates and they felt less ill compared with the Stomatovis and Control groups. The most distinct colonization of bacteria was found in the swabs taken from the surfaces of the obturator plate which is turned toward the oral mucous membrane; in the swabs of oral mucous membrane around the defect and obturator plate which is turned toward the defect in the second phase of testing and it was Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Candida. While the number of colonies of gram negative bacteria found in the swabs taken from various tested surfaces in all the phases of radiation didn't considerably differ in the tested groups...
AB  - Značaj multidimenzionalnog uticaja maksilofacijalnih tumora je doveo do povećanog interesovanja za kvalitet života pacijenata. Studije QOL(Quality of Life) daju kliničke informacije o efektima bolesti, terapiji i neželjenim efektima. Prednosti za pacijenta u ovim studijama su te da mogu da izraze svoje mišljenje o negativnim aspektima bolesti i doprinesu u donošenju terapijskih odluka jer vreme preživljavanja nije direktno povezano sa poboljšanjem „kvaliteta života“. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita efekat različitih terapijskih modaliteta na radijacioni mukozitis u pacijenata sa postresekcionim defektima orofacijalne regije. Metodologija: U ovom istraživanju, je uključeno 30 pacijenata sa tumorima orofacijalne regije koji su posle hirurške terapije protetski rehabilitovani i podvrgnuti zračnoj terapiji.Pacijenti su podeljeni u tri grupe po deset ispitanika. Metodom slučajnog izbora, jednoj grupi ispitanika je dat standarni protokol u terapiji radijacionih mukozitisa, koja će predstavljati kontrolnu grupu. Drugoj i trećoj grupi ispitanika su pored standardne terapije uključeni preparati „Stomatovis“ i „Gelclair“ i predstavljaju eksperimentane grupe. BMS upitnici (0. i kontrolni ) su korišćeni u vizuelnoj kvalifikaciji simptomatologije pacijenta. Procena podataka kvaliteta života je obrađena u upitniku EORTC-QLQ-C30 verzija 3.0 i njegovom dodatku H&N35, na srpskom jeziku. Upitnik OHIP-20 (The Oral Health Impact Profile) je korišćen u proceni kvaliteta protetske terapije pacijenata. Mikrobiološka obrada uzoraka materijala, kao i identifikacija izolovanih vrsta mikroorganizama, vršeni su u laboratoriji predmeta Mikrobiologija i imunologija stomatološkog fakulteta u Beogradu. Postupak je podrazumevao standardnu mikroskopsku, kulturalnu i biohemijsku identifikaciju. Identifikacija je predstavljala standardne bakteriološke metode, a kvantifikacija je obavljana brojanjem izniklih kolonija na zasejanim hranljivim podlogama. Pri tome su rezultati izraženi kao ukupan broj CFU (Colony Forming Unit) izniklih kolonija po uzorku materijala. Rezultati: Simptomatologija pacijenata se kroz faze ispitivanja pogoršavala. Visoke vrednosti kserostomije, poremećaja ukusa i bola, a veoma niske vrednosti salivarnog protoka BMS -kontrolnog upitnika ukazuju na sporedni štetni efekat zračne terapije. Za razliku od kontrolne i stomatovis grupe, kod gelclair grupe ispitanika intenzitet simptoma se postepeno povećavao kroz sve tri faze istraživanja. Ispitanici gelclair grupe su imali znatno manje tegoba u gutanju hrane tokom svih faza zračne terapije i značajno manje bolova, tokom 2. i 3. faze zračenja. Imali su manje problema u uzimanju obroka pred drugim ljudima, manje bolnih senzacija i manje bolnih mesta u ustima, bili manje uznemireni zbog problema sa protezama, tolerantniji prema ukućanima i imali manji subjektivni osećaj stanja bolesti u odnosu na kontrolnu i stomatovis grupu. Najizraženija kolonizacija bakterije je nađena u brisevima uzetih sa površine obturator ploče koja je okrenuta prema oralnoj sluzokoži, oralne sluzokože u okolini defekta i obturator ploče koja je okrenuta prema defektu u 2.fazi ispitivanja i to Stafilokoka, Streptokoka i Candida-e, dok se broj kolonija Gram negativnih bakterija nađenih u brisevima uzetih sa različitih ispitivanih površina, u sve 3 faze zračne terapije, nije značajno razlikovao kod ispitivanih grupa...
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Stomatološki fakultet
T1  - The therapeutic modalities examination in controlling the radiation mucositis of the postresectional defects of the orofacial region cancer
T1  - Ispitivanje terapijskih modaliteta u kontroli radijacionih mukozitisa postresekcionih defekata karcinoma orofacijalne regije
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_6351
ER  - 
author = "Radosavljević, Radivoje",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Introduction: The significance of multi-dimensional influence of maxillofacial tumors brought about an increased interest in patients "Quality of Life". The studies of Quality of Life give clinical information about the disease effects, therapy and undesired effects. The advantages for the patients in these studies are such that they can express their opinion on the negative aspects of the disease and contribute in making therapeutic decisions since the period of outliving is not directly connected with the improvement of QOL. The aim of this study was to research the effects of various therapeutic modalities on radiation mucositis in patients with postresectional defects of orofacial region. Methodology: This study includes 30 patients with orofacial region cancer who were consecutively prosthetically rehabilitated after the surgical threatment and subjected to radiotherapy. The patients were divided into three groups of respondents. By random selection method, one group of respondents had a standard protocol in radiation mucositis therapy representing control group. The second and the third group had preparations Stomatovis and Gelclair along with standard therapy representing experimental groups. BMS questionnaires (0., and control) were used in visual qualification of the patients symptomatology. Evaluation of quality of life data was done by the questionnaire EORTC QLQ C-30 in version 3.0 and its addition QLQ H&N35, in the Serbian language. The questionnaire OHIP20 (The Oral Health Impact Profile) was used in evaluation the Quality of the prosthetic therapy in patients. Both microbiological work of material patterns and identification of isolated kinds of microorganisms were done in the laboratory - department Microbiology and Immunology of the Dentistry School in Belgrade. The treatment meant standard microscopic, cultural and biochemical identification. The identification meant standard bacteriological methods and quantification was done counting sprouted colonies on the sown nourishing bases. The results are expressed as the total number CFU (Colony Forming Unit) of the sprouted colonies per material pattern. Results: Patients symptomatology got worse through the testing phases. High values of xerostomia, taste disorder, pain and too low values of salivary flow in the BMS control questionnaire show the secondary harmful effect of the radiation. The intensity of symptoms gradually increased through all three phases of research in Gelclair group of respondents compared with Control and Stomatovis groups. Gelclair group respondents had mainly less trouble in swallowing food during all the phases of radiation and considerably less pain during the second and third phase of radiation. They had less trouble in social eating, less painful sensations and less painful spots in their mouths. They were less nervous having the problem with prostheses, were more tolerant with their inmates and they felt less ill compared with the Stomatovis and Control groups. The most distinct colonization of bacteria was found in the swabs taken from the surfaces of the obturator plate which is turned toward the oral mucous membrane; in the swabs of oral mucous membrane around the defect and obturator plate which is turned toward the defect in the second phase of testing and it was Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Candida. While the number of colonies of gram negative bacteria found in the swabs taken from various tested surfaces in all the phases of radiation didn't considerably differ in the tested groups..., Značaj multidimenzionalnog uticaja maksilofacijalnih tumora je doveo do povećanog interesovanja za kvalitet života pacijenata. Studije QOL(Quality of Life) daju kliničke informacije o efektima bolesti, terapiji i neželjenim efektima. Prednosti za pacijenta u ovim studijama su te da mogu da izraze svoje mišljenje o negativnim aspektima bolesti i doprinesu u donošenju terapijskih odluka jer vreme preživljavanja nije direktno povezano sa poboljšanjem „kvaliteta života“. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita efekat različitih terapijskih modaliteta na radijacioni mukozitis u pacijenata sa postresekcionim defektima orofacijalne regije. Metodologija: U ovom istraživanju, je uključeno 30 pacijenata sa tumorima orofacijalne regije koji su posle hirurške terapije protetski rehabilitovani i podvrgnuti zračnoj terapiji.Pacijenti su podeljeni u tri grupe po deset ispitanika. Metodom slučajnog izbora, jednoj grupi ispitanika je dat standarni protokol u terapiji radijacionih mukozitisa, koja će predstavljati kontrolnu grupu. Drugoj i trećoj grupi ispitanika su pored standardne terapije uključeni preparati „Stomatovis“ i „Gelclair“ i predstavljaju eksperimentane grupe. BMS upitnici (0. i kontrolni ) su korišćeni u vizuelnoj kvalifikaciji simptomatologije pacijenta. Procena podataka kvaliteta života je obrađena u upitniku EORTC-QLQ-C30 verzija 3.0 i njegovom dodatku H&N35, na srpskom jeziku. Upitnik OHIP-20 (The Oral Health Impact Profile) je korišćen u proceni kvaliteta protetske terapije pacijenata. Mikrobiološka obrada uzoraka materijala, kao i identifikacija izolovanih vrsta mikroorganizama, vršeni su u laboratoriji predmeta Mikrobiologija i imunologija stomatološkog fakulteta u Beogradu. Postupak je podrazumevao standardnu mikroskopsku, kulturalnu i biohemijsku identifikaciju. Identifikacija je predstavljala standardne bakteriološke metode, a kvantifikacija je obavljana brojanjem izniklih kolonija na zasejanim hranljivim podlogama. Pri tome su rezultati izraženi kao ukupan broj CFU (Colony Forming Unit) izniklih kolonija po uzorku materijala. Rezultati: Simptomatologija pacijenata se kroz faze ispitivanja pogoršavala. Visoke vrednosti kserostomije, poremećaja ukusa i bola, a veoma niske vrednosti salivarnog protoka BMS -kontrolnog upitnika ukazuju na sporedni štetni efekat zračne terapije. Za razliku od kontrolne i stomatovis grupe, kod gelclair grupe ispitanika intenzitet simptoma se postepeno povećavao kroz sve tri faze istraživanja. Ispitanici gelclair grupe su imali znatno manje tegoba u gutanju hrane tokom svih faza zračne terapije i značajno manje bolova, tokom 2. i 3. faze zračenja. Imali su manje problema u uzimanju obroka pred drugim ljudima, manje bolnih senzacija i manje bolnih mesta u ustima, bili manje uznemireni zbog problema sa protezama, tolerantniji prema ukućanima i imali manji subjektivni osećaj stanja bolesti u odnosu na kontrolnu i stomatovis grupu. Najizraženija kolonizacija bakterije je nađena u brisevima uzetih sa površine obturator ploče koja je okrenuta prema oralnoj sluzokoži, oralne sluzokože u okolini defekta i obturator ploče koja je okrenuta prema defektu u 2.fazi ispitivanja i to Stafilokoka, Streptokoka i Candida-e, dok se broj kolonija Gram negativnih bakterija nađenih u brisevima uzetih sa različitih ispitivanih površina, u sve 3 faze zračne terapije, nije značajno razlikovao kod ispitivanih grupa...",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Stomatološki fakultet",
title = "The therapeutic modalities examination in controlling the radiation mucositis of the postresectional defects of the orofacial region cancer, Ispitivanje terapijskih modaliteta u kontroli radijacionih mukozitisa postresekcionih defekata karcinoma orofacijalne regije",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_6351"
Radosavljević, R.. (2016). The therapeutic modalities examination in controlling the radiation mucositis of the postresectional defects of the orofacial region cancer. 
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Stomatološki fakultet..
Radosavljević R. The therapeutic modalities examination in controlling the radiation mucositis of the postresectional defects of the orofacial region cancer. 2016;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_6351 .
Radosavljević, Radivoje, "The therapeutic modalities examination in controlling the radiation mucositis of the postresectional defects of the orofacial region cancer" (2016),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_6351 .

Application of Computer-Aided Designing and Rapid Prototyping Technologies in Reconstruction of Blowout Fractures of the Orbital Floor

Tabaković, Saša Z.; Konstantinović, Vitomir; Radosavljević, Radivoje; Movrin, Dejan; Hadžistević, Miodrag; Hatab, Nur

(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2015)

AU  - Tabaković, Saša Z.
AU  - Konstantinović, Vitomir
AU  - Radosavljević, Radivoje
AU  - Movrin, Dejan
AU  - Hadžistević, Miodrag
AU  - Hatab, Nur
PY  - 2015
UR  - https://smile.stomf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2005
AB  - Introduction: Traumatology of the maxillofacial region represents a wide range of different types of facial skeletal injuries and encompasses numerous treatment methods. Application of computer-aided design (CAD) in combination with rapid prototyping (RP) technologies and three-dimensional computed tomography techniques facilitates surgical therapy planning for efficient treatment. Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the efficiency of individually designed implants of poly-DL-lactide (PDLLA) in the reconstruction of blowout fractures of the orbital floor. Methods: In the course of a surgical treatment, individually designed implants manufactured by CAD/RP technologies were used. Preoperative analysis and postoperative monitoring were conducted to evaluate the successfulness of orbital floor reconstruction using customized PDLLA implants, based on: presence of diplopia, paresthesia of infraorbital nerve, and presence of enophthalmos. Results: In 6 of the 10 patients, diplopia completely disappeared immediately after surgical procedure. Diplopia gradually disappeared after 1 month in 3 patients, whereas in 1, it remained even after 6 months. In 7 patients, paresthesia disappeared within a month after surgery and in 3 patients within 2 months. Postoperative average Orbital volume (OV) of the injured side (13.333 +/- 3.177) was significantly reduced in comparison with preoperative OV (15.847 +/- 3.361) after reconstruction of the orbital floor with customized PDLLA implant (P  lt  0.001). Thus, average OV of corrected orbit was not different compared with the OV of the uninjured orbit (P = 0.981). Conclusions: Reconstruction of blowout fractures of the orbital floor by an individually designed PDLLA implant combined with virtual preoperative modeling allows easier preoperative preparation and yields satisfactory functional and esthetic outcomes.
PB  - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia
T2  - Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
T1  - Application of Computer-Aided Designing and Rapid Prototyping Technologies in Reconstruction of Blowout Fractures of the Orbital Floor
VL  - 26
IS  - 5
SP  - 1558
EP  - 1563
DO  - 10.1097/SCS.0000000000001883
ER  - 
author = "Tabaković, Saša Z. and Konstantinović, Vitomir and Radosavljević, Radivoje and Movrin, Dejan and Hadžistević, Miodrag and Hatab, Nur",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Introduction: Traumatology of the maxillofacial region represents a wide range of different types of facial skeletal injuries and encompasses numerous treatment methods. Application of computer-aided design (CAD) in combination with rapid prototyping (RP) technologies and three-dimensional computed tomography techniques facilitates surgical therapy planning for efficient treatment. Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the efficiency of individually designed implants of poly-DL-lactide (PDLLA) in the reconstruction of blowout fractures of the orbital floor. Methods: In the course of a surgical treatment, individually designed implants manufactured by CAD/RP technologies were used. Preoperative analysis and postoperative monitoring were conducted to evaluate the successfulness of orbital floor reconstruction using customized PDLLA implants, based on: presence of diplopia, paresthesia of infraorbital nerve, and presence of enophthalmos. Results: In 6 of the 10 patients, diplopia completely disappeared immediately after surgical procedure. Diplopia gradually disappeared after 1 month in 3 patients, whereas in 1, it remained even after 6 months. In 7 patients, paresthesia disappeared within a month after surgery and in 3 patients within 2 months. Postoperative average Orbital volume (OV) of the injured side (13.333 +/- 3.177) was significantly reduced in comparison with preoperative OV (15.847 +/- 3.361) after reconstruction of the orbital floor with customized PDLLA implant (P  lt  0.001). Thus, average OV of corrected orbit was not different compared with the OV of the uninjured orbit (P = 0.981). Conclusions: Reconstruction of blowout fractures of the orbital floor by an individually designed PDLLA implant combined with virtual preoperative modeling allows easier preoperative preparation and yields satisfactory functional and esthetic outcomes.",
publisher = "Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia",
journal = "Journal of Craniofacial Surgery",
title = "Application of Computer-Aided Designing and Rapid Prototyping Technologies in Reconstruction of Blowout Fractures of the Orbital Floor",
volume = "26",
number = "5",
pages = "1558-1563",
doi = "10.1097/SCS.0000000000001883"
Tabaković, S. Z., Konstantinović, V., Radosavljević, R., Movrin, D., Hadžistević, M.,& Hatab, N.. (2015). Application of Computer-Aided Designing and Rapid Prototyping Technologies in Reconstruction of Blowout Fractures of the Orbital Floor. in Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia., 26(5), 1558-1563.
Tabaković SZ, Konstantinović V, Radosavljević R, Movrin D, Hadžistević M, Hatab N. Application of Computer-Aided Designing and Rapid Prototyping Technologies in Reconstruction of Blowout Fractures of the Orbital Floor. in Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2015;26(5):1558-1563.
doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000001883 .
Tabaković, Saša Z., Konstantinović, Vitomir, Radosavljević, Radivoje, Movrin, Dejan, Hadžistević, Miodrag, Hatab, Nur, "Application of Computer-Aided Designing and Rapid Prototyping Technologies in Reconstruction of Blowout Fractures of the Orbital Floor" in Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 26, no. 5 (2015):1558-1563,
https://doi.org/10.1097/SCS.0000000000001883 . .