Paradontalna medicina, primena koncepta aktivne regeneracije u paradontologiji i implantologiji

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Paradontalna medicina, primena koncepta aktivne regeneracije u paradontologiji i implantologiji (en)
Парадонтална медицина, примена концепта активне регенерације у парадонтологији и имплантологији (sr)
Paradontalna medicina, primena koncepta aktivne regeneracije u paradontologiji i implantologiji (sr_RS)


Postoperative sensitivity associated with low shrinkage versus conventional composites

Ivanović, Vladimir; Savić-Stanković, Tatjana; Karadžić, Branislav; Ilić, Jugoslav; Santini, Ario; Beljić-Ivanović, Katarina

(Srpsko lekarsko društvo, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Ivanović, Vladimir
AU  - Savić-Stanković, Tatjana
AU  - Karadžić, Branislav
AU  - Ilić, Jugoslav
AU  - Santini, Ario
AU  - Beljić-Ivanović, Katarina
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Introduction. Postoperative sensitivity in restorative dentistry can be related to preparation trauma, dentin adhesives' ability to seal open dentinal tubules, deformation of restorations under occlusal stresses and microleakage. Objective. The study assessed possible reduction in postoperative sensitivity with low shrinkage compared to conventional composites using different bonding agents and the influence of the operator skill on the incidence of postoperative sensitivity. Methods. Nine hundred and sixty permanent premolars and molars with primary carious lesions from patients 21 to 40 years old were used. Cavities 2 to 3 mm deep and with margins in enamel were prepared by four operators. Two operators had five years (A and B) and two had over 20 years (C and D) of clinical experience. Teeth were divided into eight groups each contained 120 restorations: (1) Els®+James-2 (original formula), (2) Els®+James-2 (new formula), (3) Els®+Excite, (4) InTenSe®+James-2 (original formula), (5) InTenSe®+James-2 (new formula), (6) InTenSe®+Excite, (7) Tetric Ceram®+Excite, and (8) Point 4®+OptiBond Solo Plus. At 14 days postoperatively, two independent operators, who did not take part in the clinical procedure, assessed postoperative teeth sensitivity using special questionnaires. Data were analyzed using non-parametric chi-square, Mann-Whitney and ANOVA tests. Results. Group 8 showed significantly higher score than the other groups. Less postoperative sensitivity was reported with two low-shrinkage composites (groups 2, 3, and 5) but with no significant difference. There was no statistical difference between groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Operator A had the highest postoperative sensitivity score compared to the other three. Conclusion. Conventional composite material Point 4® with its bonding agent caused significantly more postoperative sensitivity than low shrinkage composites combined with different adhesives. Operator skill influenced the incidence of postoperative sensitivity.
AB  - Uvod. Posle postavljanja kompozitnih ispuna može da se javi postoperaciona osetljivost izazvana preparacionom traumom, sposobnošću adhezivnog sistema da hermetički zatvori dentinske kanaliće, deformacijom pod okluzalnim opterećenjem ili prodorom bakterijskih toksina. Cilj rada. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita da li je osetljivost zuba manja kod kompozita s malom kontrakcijom u poređenju s konvencionalnim kompozitima i odgovarajućim adhezivnim sistemima, kao i uticaj veštine stomatologa na incidenciju postoperacione osetljivosti zuba. Metode rada. Na 960 premolara i molara stalne denticije s primarnim karijesom, pacijenata starosti od 21 godine do 40 godina, preparisani su kaviteti dubine 2-3 mm s rubovima u gleđi. Čitavu proceduru su obavila četiri specijalista stomatologije, od kojih su dva imala pet (A i B), a druga dva više od 20 godina kliničkog iskustva (C i D). Zubi su svrstani u osam grupa od po 120 uzoraka prema korišćenom kompozitnom i adhezivnom sistemu: 1) Els®+James-2; 2) Els®+James-2 (nova formula); 3) Els®+Excite; 4) InTenSe®+James-2; 5) InTenSe®+James-2 (nova formula); 6) InTenSe®+Excite; 7) Tetric Ceram®+Excite; i 8) Point 4®+OptiBond Solo Plus. Dve nedelje posle intervencije dva nezavisna stomatologa (koja nisu učestvovala u kliničkoj proceduri) ocenjivala su posebnim upitnicima postoperacionu osetljivost zuba. Podaci su analizirani neparametrijskim c2, Man-Vitnijevim (Mann-Whitney) i ANOVA testom. Rezultati. U osmoj grupi utvrđena je statistički značajno češća postoperaciona osetljivost nego u ostalim grupama zuba. Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između grupa 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 i 7. Kompoziti sa nižom polimerizacionom kontrakcijom izazvali su manju postoperacionu ostetljivost, ali bez statističke značajnosti razlika (grupe 2, 3 i 5). Kod stomatologa A javljala se statistički značajno češće postoperaciona osetljivost nego kod ostala tri. Zaključak. Tip kompozitnog materijala s odgovarajućim adhezivnim sistemom i spretnost stomatologa utiču na učestalost pojave osetljivosti zuba posle restauracija srednje dubokih kaviteta II klase.
PB  - Srpsko lekarsko društvo, Beograd
T2  - Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
T1  - Postoperative sensitivity associated with low shrinkage versus conventional composites
T1  - Uticaj kompozita s malom kontrakcijom i konvencionalnih kompozita na postoperacionu osetljivost zuba
VL  - 141
IS  - 7-8
SP  - 447
EP  - 453
DO  - 10.2298/SARH1308447I
ER  - 
author = "Ivanović, Vladimir and Savić-Stanković, Tatjana and Karadžić, Branislav and Ilić, Jugoslav and Santini, Ario and Beljić-Ivanović, Katarina",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Introduction. Postoperative sensitivity in restorative dentistry can be related to preparation trauma, dentin adhesives' ability to seal open dentinal tubules, deformation of restorations under occlusal stresses and microleakage. Objective. The study assessed possible reduction in postoperative sensitivity with low shrinkage compared to conventional composites using different bonding agents and the influence of the operator skill on the incidence of postoperative sensitivity. Methods. Nine hundred and sixty permanent premolars and molars with primary carious lesions from patients 21 to 40 years old were used. Cavities 2 to 3 mm deep and with margins in enamel were prepared by four operators. Two operators had five years (A and B) and two had over 20 years (C and D) of clinical experience. Teeth were divided into eight groups each contained 120 restorations: (1) Els®+James-2 (original formula), (2) Els®+James-2 (new formula), (3) Els®+Excite, (4) InTenSe®+James-2 (original formula), (5) InTenSe®+James-2 (new formula), (6) InTenSe®+Excite, (7) Tetric Ceram®+Excite, and (8) Point 4®+OptiBond Solo Plus. At 14 days postoperatively, two independent operators, who did not take part in the clinical procedure, assessed postoperative teeth sensitivity using special questionnaires. Data were analyzed using non-parametric chi-square, Mann-Whitney and ANOVA tests. Results. Group 8 showed significantly higher score than the other groups. Less postoperative sensitivity was reported with two low-shrinkage composites (groups 2, 3, and 5) but with no significant difference. There was no statistical difference between groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Operator A had the highest postoperative sensitivity score compared to the other three. Conclusion. Conventional composite material Point 4® with its bonding agent caused significantly more postoperative sensitivity than low shrinkage composites combined with different adhesives. Operator skill influenced the incidence of postoperative sensitivity., Uvod. Posle postavljanja kompozitnih ispuna može da se javi postoperaciona osetljivost izazvana preparacionom traumom, sposobnošću adhezivnog sistema da hermetički zatvori dentinske kanaliće, deformacijom pod okluzalnim opterećenjem ili prodorom bakterijskih toksina. Cilj rada. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita da li je osetljivost zuba manja kod kompozita s malom kontrakcijom u poređenju s konvencionalnim kompozitima i odgovarajućim adhezivnim sistemima, kao i uticaj veštine stomatologa na incidenciju postoperacione osetljivosti zuba. Metode rada. Na 960 premolara i molara stalne denticije s primarnim karijesom, pacijenata starosti od 21 godine do 40 godina, preparisani su kaviteti dubine 2-3 mm s rubovima u gleđi. Čitavu proceduru su obavila četiri specijalista stomatologije, od kojih su dva imala pet (A i B), a druga dva više od 20 godina kliničkog iskustva (C i D). Zubi su svrstani u osam grupa od po 120 uzoraka prema korišćenom kompozitnom i adhezivnom sistemu: 1) Els®+James-2; 2) Els®+James-2 (nova formula); 3) Els®+Excite; 4) InTenSe®+James-2; 5) InTenSe®+James-2 (nova formula); 6) InTenSe®+Excite; 7) Tetric Ceram®+Excite; i 8) Point 4®+OptiBond Solo Plus. Dve nedelje posle intervencije dva nezavisna stomatologa (koja nisu učestvovala u kliničkoj proceduri) ocenjivala su posebnim upitnicima postoperacionu osetljivost zuba. Podaci su analizirani neparametrijskim c2, Man-Vitnijevim (Mann-Whitney) i ANOVA testom. Rezultati. U osmoj grupi utvrđena je statistički značajno češća postoperaciona osetljivost nego u ostalim grupama zuba. Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između grupa 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 i 7. Kompoziti sa nižom polimerizacionom kontrakcijom izazvali su manju postoperacionu ostetljivost, ali bez statističke značajnosti razlika (grupe 2, 3 i 5). Kod stomatologa A javljala se statistički značajno češće postoperaciona osetljivost nego kod ostala tri. Zaključak. Tip kompozitnog materijala s odgovarajućim adhezivnim sistemom i spretnost stomatologa utiču na učestalost pojave osetljivosti zuba posle restauracija srednje dubokih kaviteta II klase.",
publisher = "Srpsko lekarsko društvo, Beograd",
journal = "Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo",
title = "Postoperative sensitivity associated with low shrinkage versus conventional composites, Uticaj kompozita s malom kontrakcijom i konvencionalnih kompozita na postoperacionu osetljivost zuba",
volume = "141",
number = "7-8",
pages = "447-453",
doi = "10.2298/SARH1308447I"
Ivanović, V., Savić-Stanković, T., Karadžić, B., Ilić, J., Santini, A.,& Beljić-Ivanović, K.. (2013). Postoperative sensitivity associated with low shrinkage versus conventional composites. in Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
Srpsko lekarsko društvo, Beograd., 141(7-8), 447-453.
Ivanović V, Savić-Stanković T, Karadžić B, Ilić J, Santini A, Beljić-Ivanović K. Postoperative sensitivity associated with low shrinkage versus conventional composites. in Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo. 2013;141(7-8):447-453.
doi:10.2298/SARH1308447I .
Ivanović, Vladimir, Savić-Stanković, Tatjana, Karadžić, Branislav, Ilić, Jugoslav, Santini, Ario, Beljić-Ivanović, Katarina, "Postoperative sensitivity associated with low shrinkage versus conventional composites" in Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 141, no. 7-8 (2013):447-453, . .

Epidemiological, Clinical, and Forensic Aspects of Chainsaw, Circular Saw, and Grinding Saw Injuries in the Maxillofacial Region

Konstantinović, Vitomir; Puzović, Dragana; Aničić, Boban; Jelovac, Drago

(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2010)

AU  - Konstantinović, Vitomir
AU  - Puzović, Dragana
AU  - Aničić, Boban
AU  - Jelovac, Drago
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this article was the epidemiological, clinical, and forensic evaluation of the chainsaw, circular saw, and grinding saw maxillofacial injuries. A retrospective analysis of the medical records at the Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, University of Belgrade, was performed. A total of 133 patients were treated during a period of 19 years (1989-2008). Grinding saw injuries were more frequent (62%) in comparison to chainsaw and circular saw injuries that were present in 23% and 15% of patients, respectively. All injured individuals were men, and most of them were aged 31 to 40 years. Accident by self injuring was the only mechanism of all the analyzed injuries. There were no suicide or homicide attempts. Isolated injuries of the facial soft tissues, which were mainly lacerations, were present in most patients. Less frequently, soft tissues injuries were compounded with bone fractures of the face and teeth injuries. Surgical debridement, revision, and suturing were performed in all patients where only soft tissues were injured. Patients with compound injuries of the soft tissues, facial bones, and teeth were treated according to the common surgical protocol for the type of the injuries. Most often, these injuries were accidental without fatalities. The number of these injuries increased in the recent years owing to the "do-it-yourselfers" for home hobbies. To avoid these types of injuries, users should be carefully instructed, and attention should be paid to the use of accurately guarded saws and appropriate safety equipment.
PB  - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia
T2  - Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
T1  - Epidemiological, Clinical, and Forensic Aspects of Chainsaw, Circular Saw, and Grinding Saw Injuries in the Maxillofacial Region
VL  - 21
IS  - 4
SP  - 1029
EP  - 1032
DO  - 10.1097/SCS.0b013e3181e432bd
ER  - 
author = "Konstantinović, Vitomir and Puzović, Dragana and Aničić, Boban and Jelovac, Drago",
year = "2010",
abstract = "The aim of this article was the epidemiological, clinical, and forensic evaluation of the chainsaw, circular saw, and grinding saw maxillofacial injuries. A retrospective analysis of the medical records at the Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, University of Belgrade, was performed. A total of 133 patients were treated during a period of 19 years (1989-2008). Grinding saw injuries were more frequent (62%) in comparison to chainsaw and circular saw injuries that were present in 23% and 15% of patients, respectively. All injured individuals were men, and most of them were aged 31 to 40 years. Accident by self injuring was the only mechanism of all the analyzed injuries. There were no suicide or homicide attempts. Isolated injuries of the facial soft tissues, which were mainly lacerations, were present in most patients. Less frequently, soft tissues injuries were compounded with bone fractures of the face and teeth injuries. Surgical debridement, revision, and suturing were performed in all patients where only soft tissues were injured. Patients with compound injuries of the soft tissues, facial bones, and teeth were treated according to the common surgical protocol for the type of the injuries. Most often, these injuries were accidental without fatalities. The number of these injuries increased in the recent years owing to the "do-it-yourselfers" for home hobbies. To avoid these types of injuries, users should be carefully instructed, and attention should be paid to the use of accurately guarded saws and appropriate safety equipment.",
publisher = "Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia",
journal = "Journal of Craniofacial Surgery",
title = "Epidemiological, Clinical, and Forensic Aspects of Chainsaw, Circular Saw, and Grinding Saw Injuries in the Maxillofacial Region",
volume = "21",
number = "4",
pages = "1029-1032",
doi = "10.1097/SCS.0b013e3181e432bd"
Konstantinović, V., Puzović, D., Aničić, B.,& Jelovac, D.. (2010). Epidemiological, Clinical, and Forensic Aspects of Chainsaw, Circular Saw, and Grinding Saw Injuries in the Maxillofacial Region. in Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia., 21(4), 1029-1032.
Konstantinović V, Puzović D, Aničić B, Jelovac D. Epidemiological, Clinical, and Forensic Aspects of Chainsaw, Circular Saw, and Grinding Saw Injuries in the Maxillofacial Region. in Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2010;21(4):1029-1032.
doi:10.1097/SCS.0b013e3181e432bd .
Konstantinović, Vitomir, Puzović, Dragana, Aničić, Boban, Jelovac, Drago, "Epidemiological, Clinical, and Forensic Aspects of Chainsaw, Circular Saw, and Grinding Saw Injuries in the Maxillofacial Region" in Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 21, no. 4 (2010):1029-1032, . .

The effect of chlorhexidine on the receptor activator of NF-kb ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) expression in chronic periodontitis in humans and companion animals

Janković, Saša; Aleksić, Zoran; Nikolić-Jakoba, Nataša; Stanimirović, Dragan; Stojić, Ž.; Pucar, Ana; Hadži-Mihailović, Miloš

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, 2010)

AU  - Janković, Saša
AU  - Aleksić, Zoran
AU  - Nikolić-Jakoba, Nataša
AU  - Stanimirović, Dragan
AU  - Stojić, Ž.
AU  - Pucar, Ana
AU  - Hadži-Mihailović, Miloš
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - Periodontal disease is a chronic, multi-factorial disease of the tissues supporting the teeth. Periodontitis in companion animals is an almost identical disease to that in humans in terms of disease course and clinical presentation. Receptor activator of NF-kB ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) are bioactive molecules that control bone resorption. This study aims to evaluate the effect of Chlorhexidine (CXD) on the RANKL and OPG expressions in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) collected from subjects with chronic periodontitis. GCF was obtained from subjects with chronic periodontitis.10 subjects (CXD1) rinsed the mouth with 0.12% CXD, 10 subjects (CXD2) utilized 0.20% CXD and the last 10 (PL) used Placebo solution for 7 days. RANKL and OPG concentrations in GCF were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays ELISA at baseline and after 7 days. Periodontal clinical variables: clinical attachment loss (CAL), probing pocket depth (PPD), papilla-bleeding index (PBI) were evaluated in all groups. After 7 days in CXD1 and CXD2 group RANKL/OPG ratio exhibited a significant decrease (p lt 0.05) in contrast to the PL group where results showed similar values of RANKL/OPG ratio at baseline and after the observation period. RANKL/OPG ratio was positively correlated with PPD, CAL and PBI before and after the observation period in both Chlorhexidine (CXD1, CXD2) groups. In an existing inflammatory response, chlorhexidine reduced the level of periodontal inflammation, which leads to reduction of RANKL/OPG relative ratio. Decrease of RANKL/OPG ratio will apparently induce maintenance of alveolar bone and slow down periodontal tissue breakdown.
AB  - Parodontopatije su hronična, multikauzalna oboljenja potpornog aparata zuba. Parodontalna oboljenja koja srećemo kod kućnih ljubimaca su prema toku i kliničkoj slici skoro identična onima koje se javljaju kod ljudi. RANKL i osteoprotegerin (OPG) su bioaktivni molekuli koji kontrolišu koštanu resorpciju. Cilj ove studije je evaluacija efekata hlorheksidina na ekspresiju RANKL-a i OPG-a u gingivalnoj tečnosti (GT) uzetoj od pacijenata sa hroničnom parodontopatijom. 10 pacijenata (CXD1) su ispirali usta sa 0.12% CXD, 10 pacijenata (CXD2) su koristili 0.20% CXD i poslednjih 10 pacijenata (PL) su koristili placebo rastvor 7 dana. RANKL i OPG koncentracije u GT su merene ELISA testom na početku i posle sedam dana. Parodontalni klinički parametri CAL, PPD i PBI su evaluirani u svim grupama. Posle 7 dana u CXD1 i CXD2 grupi RANKL/OPG odnos je pokazao signifikantno smanjenje (p lt 0.05) u poređenju sa PL grupom gde su zabaleženi slični rezultati na početku i nakon opservacionog perioda. RANKL/OPG odnos je pokazao pozitivnu korelaciju sa vrednostima PPD-a, CAL-a i PBI-a pre i nakon observacionog perioda u obe eksperimentalne grupe (CXD1, CXD2). U prisutnom inflamatornom odgovoru hlorheksidin je redukovao nivo inflamacije, što je uslovilo redukciju RANKL/OPG odnosa. Rezultati istraživanja dokazuju da koncentracija hlorheksidina ne utiče statistički značajno na smanjenje RANKL/OPG odnosa.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
T2  - Acta veterinaria
T1  - The effect of chlorhexidine on the receptor activator of NF-kb ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) expression in chronic periodontitis in humans and companion animals
T1  - Efekat hlorheksidina na ekspresiju receptor aktivatora NF-kb liganda (RANKL) i osteoprotežerina (OPG) kod ljudi i kućnih ljubimaca
VL  - 60
IS  - 5-6
SP  - 641
EP  - 652
DO  - 10.2298/AVB1006641J
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Saša and Aleksić, Zoran and Nikolić-Jakoba, Nataša and Stanimirović, Dragan and Stojić, Ž. and Pucar, Ana and Hadži-Mihailović, Miloš",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Periodontal disease is a chronic, multi-factorial disease of the tissues supporting the teeth. Periodontitis in companion animals is an almost identical disease to that in humans in terms of disease course and clinical presentation. Receptor activator of NF-kB ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) are bioactive molecules that control bone resorption. This study aims to evaluate the effect of Chlorhexidine (CXD) on the RANKL and OPG expressions in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) collected from subjects with chronic periodontitis. GCF was obtained from subjects with chronic periodontitis.10 subjects (CXD1) rinsed the mouth with 0.12% CXD, 10 subjects (CXD2) utilized 0.20% CXD and the last 10 (PL) used Placebo solution for 7 days. RANKL and OPG concentrations in GCF were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays ELISA at baseline and after 7 days. Periodontal clinical variables: clinical attachment loss (CAL), probing pocket depth (PPD), papilla-bleeding index (PBI) were evaluated in all groups. After 7 days in CXD1 and CXD2 group RANKL/OPG ratio exhibited a significant decrease (p lt 0.05) in contrast to the PL group where results showed similar values of RANKL/OPG ratio at baseline and after the observation period. RANKL/OPG ratio was positively correlated with PPD, CAL and PBI before and after the observation period in both Chlorhexidine (CXD1, CXD2) groups. In an existing inflammatory response, chlorhexidine reduced the level of periodontal inflammation, which leads to reduction of RANKL/OPG relative ratio. Decrease of RANKL/OPG ratio will apparently induce maintenance of alveolar bone and slow down periodontal tissue breakdown., Parodontopatije su hronična, multikauzalna oboljenja potpornog aparata zuba. Parodontalna oboljenja koja srećemo kod kućnih ljubimaca su prema toku i kliničkoj slici skoro identična onima koje se javljaju kod ljudi. RANKL i osteoprotegerin (OPG) su bioaktivni molekuli koji kontrolišu koštanu resorpciju. Cilj ove studije je evaluacija efekata hlorheksidina na ekspresiju RANKL-a i OPG-a u gingivalnoj tečnosti (GT) uzetoj od pacijenata sa hroničnom parodontopatijom. 10 pacijenata (CXD1) su ispirali usta sa 0.12% CXD, 10 pacijenata (CXD2) su koristili 0.20% CXD i poslednjih 10 pacijenata (PL) su koristili placebo rastvor 7 dana. RANKL i OPG koncentracije u GT su merene ELISA testom na početku i posle sedam dana. Parodontalni klinički parametri CAL, PPD i PBI su evaluirani u svim grupama. Posle 7 dana u CXD1 i CXD2 grupi RANKL/OPG odnos je pokazao signifikantno smanjenje (p lt 0.05) u poređenju sa PL grupom gde su zabaleženi slični rezultati na početku i nakon opservacionog perioda. RANKL/OPG odnos je pokazao pozitivnu korelaciju sa vrednostima PPD-a, CAL-a i PBI-a pre i nakon observacionog perioda u obe eksperimentalne grupe (CXD1, CXD2). U prisutnom inflamatornom odgovoru hlorheksidin je redukovao nivo inflamacije, što je uslovilo redukciju RANKL/OPG odnosa. Rezultati istraživanja dokazuju da koncentracija hlorheksidina ne utiče statistički značajno na smanjenje RANKL/OPG odnosa.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd",
journal = "Acta veterinaria",
title = "The effect of chlorhexidine on the receptor activator of NF-kb ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) expression in chronic periodontitis in humans and companion animals, Efekat hlorheksidina na ekspresiju receptor aktivatora NF-kb liganda (RANKL) i osteoprotežerina (OPG) kod ljudi i kućnih ljubimaca",
volume = "60",
number = "5-6",
pages = "641-652",
doi = "10.2298/AVB1006641J"
Janković, S., Aleksić, Z., Nikolić-Jakoba, N., Stanimirović, D., Stojić, Ž., Pucar, A.,& Hadži-Mihailović, M.. (2010). The effect of chlorhexidine on the receptor activator of NF-kb ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) expression in chronic periodontitis in humans and companion animals. in Acta veterinaria
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd., 60(5-6), 641-652.
Janković S, Aleksić Z, Nikolić-Jakoba N, Stanimirović D, Stojić Ž, Pucar A, Hadži-Mihailović M. The effect of chlorhexidine on the receptor activator of NF-kb ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) expression in chronic periodontitis in humans and companion animals. in Acta veterinaria. 2010;60(5-6):641-652.
doi:10.2298/AVB1006641J .
Janković, Saša, Aleksić, Zoran, Nikolić-Jakoba, Nataša, Stanimirović, Dragan, Stojić, Ž., Pucar, Ana, Hadži-Mihailović, Miloš, "The effect of chlorhexidine on the receptor activator of NF-kb ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) expression in chronic periodontitis in humans and companion animals" in Acta veterinaria, 60, no. 5-6 (2010):641-652, . .

Cancer genes alterations and HPV infection in oral squamous cell carcinoma

Popović, Branka; Jekić, Biljana; Novaković, Ivana; Luković, Ljiljana; Konstantinović, Vitomir; Babić, Marko; Milašin, Jelena

(Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 2010)

AU  - Popović, Branka
AU  - Jekić, Biljana
AU  - Novaković, Ivana
AU  - Luković, Ljiljana
AU  - Konstantinović, Vitomir
AU  - Babić, Marko
AU  - Milašin, Jelena
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of cancer genes contributing to oral squamous cell (OSCC) development and progression and correlate genetic changes to clinical parameters. Human papilloma virus (HPV) 16 detection is also included in the study. 60 samples of OSCC were analysed for erbB2 and c-myc amplification by dPCR, H-ras and p53 point mutations by PCR/SSCP. HPV was detected via amplification of its El and E6 genes. c-erbB2 was altered in 45%, c-myc in 35%, H-ras in 22% and p53 in 60% of samples. HPV was detected in 10% of cases. The frequency of p53 gene mutations showed a statistically significant association with tumour stage. Patients with c-erbB2 and H-ras alterations had lower survival than patients without these alterations. The number of detected genetic changes was remarkable but statistical association with tumour natural history was poor, indicating high clonal heterogeneity and multiple pathways of carcinogenesis.
PB  - Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh
T2  - International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
T1  - Cancer genes alterations and HPV infection in oral squamous cell carcinoma
VL  - 39
IS  - 9
SP  - 909
EP  - 915
DO  - 10.1016/j.ijom.2010.05.007
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Branka and Jekić, Biljana and Novaković, Ivana and Luković, Ljiljana and Konstantinović, Vitomir and Babić, Marko and Milašin, Jelena",
year = "2010",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of cancer genes contributing to oral squamous cell (OSCC) development and progression and correlate genetic changes to clinical parameters. Human papilloma virus (HPV) 16 detection is also included in the study. 60 samples of OSCC were analysed for erbB2 and c-myc amplification by dPCR, H-ras and p53 point mutations by PCR/SSCP. HPV was detected via amplification of its El and E6 genes. c-erbB2 was altered in 45%, c-myc in 35%, H-ras in 22% and p53 in 60% of samples. HPV was detected in 10% of cases. The frequency of p53 gene mutations showed a statistically significant association with tumour stage. Patients with c-erbB2 and H-ras alterations had lower survival than patients without these alterations. The number of detected genetic changes was remarkable but statistical association with tumour natural history was poor, indicating high clonal heterogeneity and multiple pathways of carcinogenesis.",
publisher = "Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh",
journal = "International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery",
title = "Cancer genes alterations and HPV infection in oral squamous cell carcinoma",
volume = "39",
number = "9",
pages = "909-915",
doi = "10.1016/j.ijom.2010.05.007"
Popović, B., Jekić, B., Novaković, I., Luković, L., Konstantinović, V., Babić, M.,& Milašin, J.. (2010). Cancer genes alterations and HPV infection in oral squamous cell carcinoma. in International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh., 39(9), 909-915.
Popović B, Jekić B, Novaković I, Luković L, Konstantinović V, Babić M, Milašin J. Cancer genes alterations and HPV infection in oral squamous cell carcinoma. in International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. 2010;39(9):909-915.
doi:10.1016/j.ijom.2010.05.007 .
Popović, Branka, Jekić, Biljana, Novaković, Ivana, Luković, Ljiljana, Konstantinović, Vitomir, Babić, Marko, Milašin, Jelena, "Cancer genes alterations and HPV infection in oral squamous cell carcinoma" in International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 39, no. 9 (2010):909-915, . .

Nasal Epithesis Retained by Basal (Disk) Implants

Konstantinović, Vitomir; Lazić, Vojkan; Stefan, Ihde

(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2010)

AU  - Konstantinović, Vitomir
AU  - Lazić, Vojkan
AU  - Stefan, Ihde
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - Aim: To report the case of a patient who underwent facial reconstruction with nasal epithesis anchored on basal (disk) implants after ablation of midface squamous cell carcinoma. Methods: Ablative surgery of the midface region and insertion of 3 basal implants into the glabellar area of the frontal bone, the upper part of the right side of the alveolar crest, and the lateral side of the maxillary bone, which forms the left lateral wall of the nose, respectively, was performed. Implants were placed at the time of the primary surgical attempt. Results: After an unloaded osseointegration phase of 3 months, all implants appeared well integrated according to radiologic criteria and clinical stability At the end of the osseointegration process, the final epithesis was delivered. Epithesis was anchored to the bars that were fabricated to provide retention and better stability, whereas the implant on the left side was used individually only to improve stability. At the control examinations after 1, 3, 6, 12, and 18 months, respectively, there were no signs of recurrence of the tumor or any complications related to the implants. Conclusions: Disk implants that were applied to our patient present all excellent alternative, particularly in cases with minimal available bone. resulting in reduced complications in elderly oncologic patients.
PB  - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia
T2  - Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
T1  - Nasal Epithesis Retained by Basal (Disk) Implants
VL  - 21
IS  - 1
SP  - 33
EP  - 36
DO  - 10.1097/SCS.0b013e3181c3626c
ER  - 
author = "Konstantinović, Vitomir and Lazić, Vojkan and Stefan, Ihde",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Aim: To report the case of a patient who underwent facial reconstruction with nasal epithesis anchored on basal (disk) implants after ablation of midface squamous cell carcinoma. Methods: Ablative surgery of the midface region and insertion of 3 basal implants into the glabellar area of the frontal bone, the upper part of the right side of the alveolar crest, and the lateral side of the maxillary bone, which forms the left lateral wall of the nose, respectively, was performed. Implants were placed at the time of the primary surgical attempt. Results: After an unloaded osseointegration phase of 3 months, all implants appeared well integrated according to radiologic criteria and clinical stability At the end of the osseointegration process, the final epithesis was delivered. Epithesis was anchored to the bars that were fabricated to provide retention and better stability, whereas the implant on the left side was used individually only to improve stability. At the control examinations after 1, 3, 6, 12, and 18 months, respectively, there were no signs of recurrence of the tumor or any complications related to the implants. Conclusions: Disk implants that were applied to our patient present all excellent alternative, particularly in cases with minimal available bone. resulting in reduced complications in elderly oncologic patients.",
publisher = "Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia",
journal = "Journal of Craniofacial Surgery",
title = "Nasal Epithesis Retained by Basal (Disk) Implants",
volume = "21",
number = "1",
pages = "33-36",
doi = "10.1097/SCS.0b013e3181c3626c"
Konstantinović, V., Lazić, V.,& Stefan, I.. (2010). Nasal Epithesis Retained by Basal (Disk) Implants. in Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia., 21(1), 33-36.
Konstantinović V, Lazić V, Stefan I. Nasal Epithesis Retained by Basal (Disk) Implants. in Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2010;21(1):33-36.
doi:10.1097/SCS.0b013e3181c3626c .
Konstantinović, Vitomir, Lazić, Vojkan, Stefan, Ihde, "Nasal Epithesis Retained by Basal (Disk) Implants" in Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 21, no. 1 (2010):33-36, . .

Mutation status of p53 gene in oral squamous cell carcinoma

Popović, Branka; Jekić, Biljana; Jelovac, Drago; Novaković, Ivana

(Srpsko lekarsko društvo - Stomatološka sekcija, Beograd, 2009)

AU  - Popović, Branka
AU  - Jekić, Biljana
AU  - Jelovac, Drago
AU  - Novaković, Ivana
PY  - 2009
UR  -
AB  - Introduction. p53 gene is the most common tumor suppressor gene involved in pathogenesis oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Protein product of p53 gene contributes to cell cycle control and apoptosis. p53 gene mutations may lead to uncontrolled cell growth. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of mutation in DNA-binding domain of p53 gene. Materials and Methods. In the 60 specimens, the presence of point mutation in exons 5, 6, 7 and 8 was detected using PCR-SSCP method. To confirm the presence of p53 mutation found by SSCP method, five samples were analyzed by sequencing of exon 5. Results. Point mutation affecting exons 5, 6, 7 and 8 were found in 60% of analyzed samples. A higher incidence of mutation was detected in exon 7 and 8 (60%), than in exon 5 and 6. Sequencing of exon 5, confirmed the presence of mutations revealed by SSCP method. Study of associations showed an increase of p53 mutations in poor differentiated and carcinoma of higher clinical stages. Conclusion. p53 gene is one of major factor in control of cell cycle and has important role in pathogenesis of oral squamous cell carcinoma.
AB  - Uvod. TP53 je ključni tumor-supresorski gen uključen u patogenezu oralnih skvamocelularnih karcinoma (OSCK). Proteinski proizvod gena p53 zadužen je za kontrolu ćelijskog ciklusa i apoptozu, a mutacije u TP53 mogu dovesti do nekontrolisane proliferacije ćelija. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi zastupljenost tačkastih mutacija u regionu gena p53 koji se vezuje za DNK, odnosno proceni uloga ovoga gena u patogenezi OSCK. Materijal i metode rada. U 60 uzoraka OSCK su korišćenjem metode lančane reakcije polimeraze i polimorfizma jednolančanih fragmenata DNK (PCR-SSCP) ispitane tačkaste mutacije u egzonima 5, 6, 7 i 8 gena p53. Pet slučajno odabranih uzoraka u kojima je otkrivena mutacija naknadno je podvrgnuto sekvenciranju radi potvrde validnosti metode PCR-SSCP. Rezultati. Tačkaste mutacije u nekom od analiziranih egzona gena p53 utvrđene su u 60% uzoraka OSCK. Veća učestalost mutacija zabeležena je u egzonima 7 i 8. Sekvenciranje je potvrdilo mutacije otkrivene metodom SSCP. Studija asocijacije pokazuje povećanje broja mutacija gena p53 kod slabo diferenciranih i karcinoma viših kliničkih stadijuma. Zaključak. Gen p53, jedan od glavnih kontrolora ćelijskog ciklusa, ima značajnu ulogu i u patogenezi karcinoma oralne duplje.
PB  - Srpsko lekarsko društvo - Stomatološka sekcija, Beograd
T2  - Stomatološki glasnik Srbije
T1  - Mutation status of p53 gene in oral squamous cell carcinoma
T1  - Mutacioni status gena p53 u oralnim skvamocelularnim karcinomima
VL  - 56
IS  - 4
SP  - 171
EP  - 175
DO  - 10.2298/SGS0904171P
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Branka and Jekić, Biljana and Jelovac, Drago and Novaković, Ivana",
year = "2009",
abstract = "Introduction. p53 gene is the most common tumor suppressor gene involved in pathogenesis oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Protein product of p53 gene contributes to cell cycle control and apoptosis. p53 gene mutations may lead to uncontrolled cell growth. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of mutation in DNA-binding domain of p53 gene. Materials and Methods. In the 60 specimens, the presence of point mutation in exons 5, 6, 7 and 8 was detected using PCR-SSCP method. To confirm the presence of p53 mutation found by SSCP method, five samples were analyzed by sequencing of exon 5. Results. Point mutation affecting exons 5, 6, 7 and 8 were found in 60% of analyzed samples. A higher incidence of mutation was detected in exon 7 and 8 (60%), than in exon 5 and 6. Sequencing of exon 5, confirmed the presence of mutations revealed by SSCP method. Study of associations showed an increase of p53 mutations in poor differentiated and carcinoma of higher clinical stages. Conclusion. p53 gene is one of major factor in control of cell cycle and has important role in pathogenesis of oral squamous cell carcinoma., Uvod. TP53 je ključni tumor-supresorski gen uključen u patogenezu oralnih skvamocelularnih karcinoma (OSCK). Proteinski proizvod gena p53 zadužen je za kontrolu ćelijskog ciklusa i apoptozu, a mutacije u TP53 mogu dovesti do nekontrolisane proliferacije ćelija. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi zastupljenost tačkastih mutacija u regionu gena p53 koji se vezuje za DNK, odnosno proceni uloga ovoga gena u patogenezi OSCK. Materijal i metode rada. U 60 uzoraka OSCK su korišćenjem metode lančane reakcije polimeraze i polimorfizma jednolančanih fragmenata DNK (PCR-SSCP) ispitane tačkaste mutacije u egzonima 5, 6, 7 i 8 gena p53. Pet slučajno odabranih uzoraka u kojima je otkrivena mutacija naknadno je podvrgnuto sekvenciranju radi potvrde validnosti metode PCR-SSCP. Rezultati. Tačkaste mutacije u nekom od analiziranih egzona gena p53 utvrđene su u 60% uzoraka OSCK. Veća učestalost mutacija zabeležena je u egzonima 7 i 8. Sekvenciranje je potvrdilo mutacije otkrivene metodom SSCP. Studija asocijacije pokazuje povećanje broja mutacija gena p53 kod slabo diferenciranih i karcinoma viših kliničkih stadijuma. Zaključak. Gen p53, jedan od glavnih kontrolora ćelijskog ciklusa, ima značajnu ulogu i u patogenezi karcinoma oralne duplje.",
publisher = "Srpsko lekarsko društvo - Stomatološka sekcija, Beograd",
journal = "Stomatološki glasnik Srbije",
title = "Mutation status of p53 gene in oral squamous cell carcinoma, Mutacioni status gena p53 u oralnim skvamocelularnim karcinomima",
volume = "56",
number = "4",
pages = "171-175",
doi = "10.2298/SGS0904171P"
Popović, B., Jekić, B., Jelovac, D.,& Novaković, I.. (2009). Mutation status of p53 gene in oral squamous cell carcinoma. in Stomatološki glasnik Srbije
Srpsko lekarsko društvo - Stomatološka sekcija, Beograd., 56(4), 171-175.
Popović B, Jekić B, Jelovac D, Novaković I. Mutation status of p53 gene in oral squamous cell carcinoma. in Stomatološki glasnik Srbije. 2009;56(4):171-175.
doi:10.2298/SGS0904171P .
Popović, Branka, Jekić, Biljana, Jelovac, Drago, Novaković, Ivana, "Mutation status of p53 gene in oral squamous cell carcinoma" in Stomatološki glasnik Srbije, 56, no. 4 (2009):171-175, . .

Periodontal Therapy Improves Gastric Helicobacter pylori Eradication

Zarić, S.; Bojić, B.; Janković, Ljiljana; Dapčević, B.; Popović, Branka; Čakić, Saša; Milašin, Jelena

(Sage Publications Inc, Thousand Oaks, 2009)

AU  - Zarić, S.
AU  - Bojić, B.
AU  - Janković, Ljiljana
AU  - Dapčević, B.
AU  - Popović, Branka
AU  - Čakić, Saša
AU  - Milašin, Jelena
PY  - 2009
UR  -
AB  - The oral cavity has been proposed as a reservoir for H. pylori that could be responsible for the refractoriness of gastric infection to triple therapy (antibiotics, antimicrobials, and proton pump inhibitors). The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of combined periodontal and triple therapy vs. triple therapy alone, in gastric H. pylori eradication in persons with H. pylori in the subgingival biofilm. Individuals positive for H. pylori in their gastric and oral samples, as determined by nested PCR, were treated either with periodontal and triple therapy or with triple therapy alone. Our results indicate that 77.3% of those treated with the combined therapy exhibited successful eradication of gastric H. pylori, compared with 47.6% who underwent only triple therapy. Analysis of these data suggests that periodontal treatment in combination with systemic therapy could be a promising approach to increasing the therapy's efficacy and decreasing the risk of infection recurrence.
PB  - Sage Publications Inc, Thousand Oaks
T2  - Journal of Dental Research
T1  - Periodontal Therapy Improves Gastric Helicobacter pylori Eradication
VL  - 88
IS  - 10
SP  - 946
EP  - 950
DO  - 10.1177/0022034509344559
ER  - 
author = "Zarić, S. and Bojić, B. and Janković, Ljiljana and Dapčević, B. and Popović, Branka and Čakić, Saša and Milašin, Jelena",
year = "2009",
abstract = "The oral cavity has been proposed as a reservoir for H. pylori that could be responsible for the refractoriness of gastric infection to triple therapy (antibiotics, antimicrobials, and proton pump inhibitors). The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of combined periodontal and triple therapy vs. triple therapy alone, in gastric H. pylori eradication in persons with H. pylori in the subgingival biofilm. Individuals positive for H. pylori in their gastric and oral samples, as determined by nested PCR, were treated either with periodontal and triple therapy or with triple therapy alone. Our results indicate that 77.3% of those treated with the combined therapy exhibited successful eradication of gastric H. pylori, compared with 47.6% who underwent only triple therapy. Analysis of these data suggests that periodontal treatment in combination with systemic therapy could be a promising approach to increasing the therapy's efficacy and decreasing the risk of infection recurrence.",
publisher = "Sage Publications Inc, Thousand Oaks",
journal = "Journal of Dental Research",
title = "Periodontal Therapy Improves Gastric Helicobacter pylori Eradication",
volume = "88",
number = "10",
pages = "946-950",
doi = "10.1177/0022034509344559"
Zarić, S., Bojić, B., Janković, L., Dapčević, B., Popović, B., Čakić, S.,& Milašin, J.. (2009). Periodontal Therapy Improves Gastric Helicobacter pylori Eradication. in Journal of Dental Research
Sage Publications Inc, Thousand Oaks., 88(10), 946-950.
Zarić S, Bojić B, Janković L, Dapčević B, Popović B, Čakić S, Milašin J. Periodontal Therapy Improves Gastric Helicobacter pylori Eradication. in Journal of Dental Research. 2009;88(10):946-950.
doi:10.1177/0022034509344559 .
Zarić, S., Bojić, B., Janković, Ljiljana, Dapčević, B., Popović, Branka, Čakić, Saša, Milašin, Jelena, "Periodontal Therapy Improves Gastric Helicobacter pylori Eradication" in Journal of Dental Research, 88, no. 10 (2009):946-950, . .

Clinical study on the influence of hydroxyapatite on apexogenesis in monkeys

Petrović, Vanja; Marković, Dejan; Čakić, Saša; Krstić, N.

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, 2008)

AU  - Petrović, Vanja
AU  - Marković, Dejan
AU  - Čakić, Saša
AU  - Krstić, N.
PY  - 2008
UR  -
AB  - Management of the affected pulp in teeth with incomplete root formation is still an issue. Calcium hydroxide and other materials have been employed for this purpose to a greater or lesser success. Bioceramic materials are in the last decades well established in a number of different medical fields. Having its constituents the same as those of the unorganic portion of bone tissue, hydroxiapatite (HAP), one of the two forms of calcium-phosphate ceramics, is already accepted in endodontic treatment of teeth with completed root formation. The aim of this study was to examine apexogenesis in teeth with immature roots, following the use of HAP on their affected pulp. Examination was performed on eight young monkeys (Cercopithecus Aethiops) with incomplete root development. The 100 μm synthetic HAP material was applied on 32 teeth divided into two groups of 16 teeth each. In one group teeth underwent pulpotomy, in the other high pulpotomy. Evaluation of root growth was recorded from radiographs (pre-treatment, 3 and 12 months following treatment) and by Demjrian's scale for dental maturity and tooth age determination. On the basis of radiographic analysis, immature teeth with affected pulp treated with HAP, both with pulpotomy and high pulpotomy, reached the same stage of root development as control teeth in 50% of cases at 3-months radiographic assessment. After 12 months all tested teeth had the same rate of root development as control teeth, except for 1 of 8 with high pulpotomy. Dentinal bridge was radiographically visible in 50% and 87.5% of pulpotomized teeth after 3 and 12 months, respectively. Neither obliteration of the root canal, presence of denticles nor the presence of deformities in the periapical region were found in any of the observed teeth.
AB  - Lečenja aficirane pulpe zuba sa nezavršenim rastom korena je još uvek predmet stručnih i naučnih rasprava, između ostalog i zbog neželjenih efekata tradicionalnih preparata na bazi kalcijum hidroksida. Biokeramički materijali se već nekoliko decenija primenjuju u različitim granama medicine, a hidroksiapatit, kao jedna od dve forme kalcijum-fosfatne keramike, ima gotovo istovetan sastav kao neorganski deo kosti, pa je već prihvaćen u endodontskom lečenju zuba sa završ enim rastom korena. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj hidroksiapatita na apeksogenezu u zuba sa nezavršenim rastom korena i aficiranom pulpom. Ispitivanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno na osam mladih majmuna Cercopithecus Aethiops sa nezavršenim rastom korena zuba. Sintetički hidroksiapatit, veličine čestica od 100 μm je primenjen na trideset dva zuba, podeljenih u dve jednake grupe kod kojih je všena apulpotomija, odnosno visoka pulpotomija. Rendgenološ ka evaluacija rasta korena zuba je vršena pre terapije, kao i tri i dvanaest mesici posle primene HAP, a na osnovu Demjrianove skale za određivanje zrelosti zuba. Na osnovu rendgenološke analize posle 3 meseca je nađeno da je brzina razvoja korena kako pulpotomisanih, tako i visoko pulpotomisanih zuba kod kojih je primenjen HAP bila u 50% slučajeva ista kao kod kontrolnih zuba. Posle 12 meseci stepen razvoja korena zuba je u svih ispitivanih zuba (osim kod jednog od osam zuba sa izvršenom visokom pulpotomijom) bio isti kao u kontrolnih zuba. Dentinski most je bio vidljiv radiološkom analizom u 50% odnosno 87,5% eksperimentalnih zuba posle 3, odnosno posle 12 meseci. Ni u jednom pregledanom zubu rendgenološki nije uočena obliteracija kanala korena, kao ni dentikli ni deformiteti u periapeksnom predelu.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
T2  - Acta veterinaria
T1  - Clinical study on the influence of hydroxyapatite on apexogenesis in monkeys
T1  - Uticaj hidroksiapatita na apeksogenezu u majmuna - klinička studija
VL  - 58
IS  - 4
SP  - 395
EP  - 409
DO  - 10.2298/AVB0804395P
ER  - 
author = "Petrović, Vanja and Marković, Dejan and Čakić, Saša and Krstić, N.",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Management of the affected pulp in teeth with incomplete root formation is still an issue. Calcium hydroxide and other materials have been employed for this purpose to a greater or lesser success. Bioceramic materials are in the last decades well established in a number of different medical fields. Having its constituents the same as those of the unorganic portion of bone tissue, hydroxiapatite (HAP), one of the two forms of calcium-phosphate ceramics, is already accepted in endodontic treatment of teeth with completed root formation. The aim of this study was to examine apexogenesis in teeth with immature roots, following the use of HAP on their affected pulp. Examination was performed on eight young monkeys (Cercopithecus Aethiops) with incomplete root development. The 100 μm synthetic HAP material was applied on 32 teeth divided into two groups of 16 teeth each. In one group teeth underwent pulpotomy, in the other high pulpotomy. Evaluation of root growth was recorded from radiographs (pre-treatment, 3 and 12 months following treatment) and by Demjrian's scale for dental maturity and tooth age determination. On the basis of radiographic analysis, immature teeth with affected pulp treated with HAP, both with pulpotomy and high pulpotomy, reached the same stage of root development as control teeth in 50% of cases at 3-months radiographic assessment. After 12 months all tested teeth had the same rate of root development as control teeth, except for 1 of 8 with high pulpotomy. Dentinal bridge was radiographically visible in 50% and 87.5% of pulpotomized teeth after 3 and 12 months, respectively. Neither obliteration of the root canal, presence of denticles nor the presence of deformities in the periapical region were found in any of the observed teeth., Lečenja aficirane pulpe zuba sa nezavršenim rastom korena je još uvek predmet stručnih i naučnih rasprava, između ostalog i zbog neželjenih efekata tradicionalnih preparata na bazi kalcijum hidroksida. Biokeramički materijali se već nekoliko decenija primenjuju u različitim granama medicine, a hidroksiapatit, kao jedna od dve forme kalcijum-fosfatne keramike, ima gotovo istovetan sastav kao neorganski deo kosti, pa je već prihvaćen u endodontskom lečenju zuba sa završ enim rastom korena. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj hidroksiapatita na apeksogenezu u zuba sa nezavršenim rastom korena i aficiranom pulpom. Ispitivanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno na osam mladih majmuna Cercopithecus Aethiops sa nezavršenim rastom korena zuba. Sintetički hidroksiapatit, veličine čestica od 100 μm je primenjen na trideset dva zuba, podeljenih u dve jednake grupe kod kojih je všena apulpotomija, odnosno visoka pulpotomija. Rendgenološ ka evaluacija rasta korena zuba je vršena pre terapije, kao i tri i dvanaest mesici posle primene HAP, a na osnovu Demjrianove skale za određivanje zrelosti zuba. Na osnovu rendgenološke analize posle 3 meseca je nađeno da je brzina razvoja korena kako pulpotomisanih, tako i visoko pulpotomisanih zuba kod kojih je primenjen HAP bila u 50% slučajeva ista kao kod kontrolnih zuba. Posle 12 meseci stepen razvoja korena zuba je u svih ispitivanih zuba (osim kod jednog od osam zuba sa izvršenom visokom pulpotomijom) bio isti kao u kontrolnih zuba. Dentinski most je bio vidljiv radiološkom analizom u 50% odnosno 87,5% eksperimentalnih zuba posle 3, odnosno posle 12 meseci. Ni u jednom pregledanom zubu rendgenološki nije uočena obliteracija kanala korena, kao ni dentikli ni deformiteti u periapeksnom predelu.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd",
journal = "Acta veterinaria",
title = "Clinical study on the influence of hydroxyapatite on apexogenesis in monkeys, Uticaj hidroksiapatita na apeksogenezu u majmuna - klinička studija",
volume = "58",
number = "4",
pages = "395-409",
doi = "10.2298/AVB0804395P"
Petrović, V., Marković, D., Čakić, S.,& Krstić, N.. (2008). Clinical study on the influence of hydroxyapatite on apexogenesis in monkeys. in Acta veterinaria
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd., 58(4), 395-409.
Petrović V, Marković D, Čakić S, Krstić N. Clinical study on the influence of hydroxyapatite on apexogenesis in monkeys. in Acta veterinaria. 2008;58(4):395-409.
doi:10.2298/AVB0804395P .
Petrović, Vanja, Marković, Dejan, Čakić, Saša, Krstić, N., "Clinical study on the influence of hydroxyapatite on apexogenesis in monkeys" in Acta veterinaria, 58, no. 4 (2008):395-409, . .

Clinical impact of platelet rich plasma in treatment of gingival recessions

Aleksić, Zoran; Janković, Saša; Dimitrijević, Božidar; Pucar, Ana; Lazić, Vojkan; Leković, Vojislav

(Srpsko lekarsko društvo, Beograd, 2008)

AU  - Aleksić, Zoran
AU  - Janković, Saša
AU  - Dimitrijević, Božidar
AU  - Pucar, Ana
AU  - Lazić, Vojkan
AU  - Leković, Vojislav
PY  - 2008
UR  -
AB  - Introduction Root coverage supported with complete regeneration of lost periodontal tissues represents the ultimate goal of gingival recession treatment. Objective This study was designed to evaluate clinical effectiveness of platelet rich plasma gel (PRP) with connective tissue graft (CTG) in the treatment of gingival recession. METHOD 15 gingival recessions Miller class I or II were treated with CTG and PRP (group PRP). Connective tissue graft was harvested from the premolar region using trap door technique. After elevation of the flap, the regional bone and root surface were smeared with activated PRP gel. CTG was also irrigated with PRP gel before placement over the exposed root surface and local bone. Fixed CTG was covered with a coronally advanced flap. The same number of gingival recessions were treated with CTG in combination with the coronally advanced flap with no PRP gel (group TVT). Clinical recordings included recession depth (RD), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and keratinized tissue width (KT) before and 1 year after mucogingival surgical treatment. Results Mean value of RD was significantly decreased from 4.93±0.86 mm to 0.60±0.37 (p lt 0.01) with CTG and PRP and from 4.76±0.74 mm to 0.63±0.29 mm (p lt 0.01) in CTG group. This difference was not statistically significant. Results of the keratinized tissue width showed significant increase from 0.88± 0.30 mm presurgery to 3.78±0.49 mm (p lt 0.01) six months after treatment in PRP group and from 0.90±0.34 mm to 3.15±0.41 in TVT group (p lt 0.01). This difference was statistically significant (p>0.05). No statistically significant differences were observed between treatment groups in CAL and PD. Conclusion Clinical results validate both procedures as effective and highly predictable surgical techniques in solving gingival recession problem. Histological evaluation may confirm advantage of PRP use related to regeneration of periodontal tissues.
AB  - Uvod. Recesija gingive je jedan od najsloženijih problema savremene stomatologije. Iznalaženje novih terapijskih metoda za rešavanje ovog problema je značajan segment istraživanja u parodontologiji. Cilj rada. Cilj rada je bio da se procene klinički efekti primene plazme bogate trombocitima (PBT) u kombinaciji sa transplantatom vezivnog tkiva (TVT) u lečenju recesije gingive. Metod rada. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 15 bolesnika s obostranim recesijama gingive klase II i III po Mileru (Miller). Metodološki koncept se zasnivao na metodu podeljenih usta. U lečenju 15 recesija primenjen je TVT u kombinaciji sa koronarno pozicioniranim režnjem uz primenu aktiviranog koncentrata trombocita (PBT grupa). Isti broj recesija na suprotnoj strani vilice zbrinjavan je autotransplantatom vezivnog tkiva i periosta u kombinaciji sa koronarno pozicioniranim režnjem (TVT grupa). Za procenu stanja parodoncijuma i efikasnosti primenjenih hirurških postupaka korišćeni su sledeći klinički parametri: vertikalna dubina recesije (VDR), nivo pripojnog epitela i širina keratinizovane gingive. Nivo oralne higijene je utvrđivan plak-indeksom po Silnes- Lou (Silness-Löu), a stanje gingive gingivnim indeksom po Lou-Silnesu (Löu-Silness). Rezultati. Na osnovu analize srednje vrednost za dubinu recesije (VDR), ustanovljeno je statistički značajno smanjenje vrednosti ovog parametra šest meseci posle tretmana u PBT grupi (sa 4,93±0,86 mm na 0,60±0,37 mm; p lt 0,01). U TVT grupi, u kojoj je vrednost VDR pre lečenja bila 4,76±0,74 mm, posle šest meseci dobijena je vrednost od 0,63±0,29 mm (p lt 0,01). U PBT grupi je posle opservacionog perioda zabeleženo proširenje zone keratinizovanog tkiva za 2,90 mm, dok je u istom periodu vrednost ovog parametra u TVT grupi bila 2,25 mm. Poređenjem prosečne promene vrednosti kliničkih parametara u okviru obe eksperimentalne grupe, samo je kod promene širine keratinizovanog tkiva zabeležena statistička značajnost (p lt 0,05). Zaključak. Rezultati ove kliničke studije ukazuju na izuzetnu efikasnost oba primenjena postupka u lečenju recesije gingive.
PB  - Srpsko lekarsko društvo, Beograd
T2  - Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
T1  - Clinical impact of platelet rich plasma in treatment of gingival recessions
T1  - Primena plazme bogate trombocitima u rekonstruktivnoj mukogingivnoj hirurgiji
VL  - 136
IS  - 3-4
SP  - 95
EP  - 103
DO  - 10.2298/SARH0804095A
ER  - 
author = "Aleksić, Zoran and Janković, Saša and Dimitrijević, Božidar and Pucar, Ana and Lazić, Vojkan and Leković, Vojislav",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Introduction Root coverage supported with complete regeneration of lost periodontal tissues represents the ultimate goal of gingival recession treatment. Objective This study was designed to evaluate clinical effectiveness of platelet rich plasma gel (PRP) with connective tissue graft (CTG) in the treatment of gingival recession. METHOD 15 gingival recessions Miller class I or II were treated with CTG and PRP (group PRP). Connective tissue graft was harvested from the premolar region using trap door technique. After elevation of the flap, the regional bone and root surface were smeared with activated PRP gel. CTG was also irrigated with PRP gel before placement over the exposed root surface and local bone. Fixed CTG was covered with a coronally advanced flap. The same number of gingival recessions were treated with CTG in combination with the coronally advanced flap with no PRP gel (group TVT). Clinical recordings included recession depth (RD), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and keratinized tissue width (KT) before and 1 year after mucogingival surgical treatment. Results Mean value of RD was significantly decreased from 4.93±0.86 mm to 0.60±0.37 (p lt 0.01) with CTG and PRP and from 4.76±0.74 mm to 0.63±0.29 mm (p lt 0.01) in CTG group. This difference was not statistically significant. Results of the keratinized tissue width showed significant increase from 0.88± 0.30 mm presurgery to 3.78±0.49 mm (p lt 0.01) six months after treatment in PRP group and from 0.90±0.34 mm to 3.15±0.41 in TVT group (p lt 0.01). This difference was statistically significant (p>0.05). No statistically significant differences were observed between treatment groups in CAL and PD. Conclusion Clinical results validate both procedures as effective and highly predictable surgical techniques in solving gingival recession problem. Histological evaluation may confirm advantage of PRP use related to regeneration of periodontal tissues., Uvod. Recesija gingive je jedan od najsloženijih problema savremene stomatologije. Iznalaženje novih terapijskih metoda za rešavanje ovog problema je značajan segment istraživanja u parodontologiji. Cilj rada. Cilj rada je bio da se procene klinički efekti primene plazme bogate trombocitima (PBT) u kombinaciji sa transplantatom vezivnog tkiva (TVT) u lečenju recesije gingive. Metod rada. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 15 bolesnika s obostranim recesijama gingive klase II i III po Mileru (Miller). Metodološki koncept se zasnivao na metodu podeljenih usta. U lečenju 15 recesija primenjen je TVT u kombinaciji sa koronarno pozicioniranim režnjem uz primenu aktiviranog koncentrata trombocita (PBT grupa). Isti broj recesija na suprotnoj strani vilice zbrinjavan je autotransplantatom vezivnog tkiva i periosta u kombinaciji sa koronarno pozicioniranim režnjem (TVT grupa). Za procenu stanja parodoncijuma i efikasnosti primenjenih hirurških postupaka korišćeni su sledeći klinički parametri: vertikalna dubina recesije (VDR), nivo pripojnog epitela i širina keratinizovane gingive. Nivo oralne higijene je utvrđivan plak-indeksom po Silnes- Lou (Silness-Löu), a stanje gingive gingivnim indeksom po Lou-Silnesu (Löu-Silness). Rezultati. Na osnovu analize srednje vrednost za dubinu recesije (VDR), ustanovljeno je statistički značajno smanjenje vrednosti ovog parametra šest meseci posle tretmana u PBT grupi (sa 4,93±0,86 mm na 0,60±0,37 mm; p lt 0,01). U TVT grupi, u kojoj je vrednost VDR pre lečenja bila 4,76±0,74 mm, posle šest meseci dobijena je vrednost od 0,63±0,29 mm (p lt 0,01). U PBT grupi je posle opservacionog perioda zabeleženo proširenje zone keratinizovanog tkiva za 2,90 mm, dok je u istom periodu vrednost ovog parametra u TVT grupi bila 2,25 mm. Poređenjem prosečne promene vrednosti kliničkih parametara u okviru obe eksperimentalne grupe, samo je kod promene širine keratinizovanog tkiva zabeležena statistička značajnost (p lt 0,05). Zaključak. Rezultati ove kliničke studije ukazuju na izuzetnu efikasnost oba primenjena postupka u lečenju recesije gingive.",
publisher = "Srpsko lekarsko društvo, Beograd",
journal = "Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo",
title = "Clinical impact of platelet rich plasma in treatment of gingival recessions, Primena plazme bogate trombocitima u rekonstruktivnoj mukogingivnoj hirurgiji",
volume = "136",
number = "3-4",
pages = "95-103",
doi = "10.2298/SARH0804095A"
Aleksić, Z., Janković, S., Dimitrijević, B., Pucar, A., Lazić, V.,& Leković, V.. (2008). Clinical impact of platelet rich plasma in treatment of gingival recessions. in Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
Srpsko lekarsko društvo, Beograd., 136(3-4), 95-103.
Aleksić Z, Janković S, Dimitrijević B, Pucar A, Lazić V, Leković V. Clinical impact of platelet rich plasma in treatment of gingival recessions. in Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo. 2008;136(3-4):95-103.
doi:10.2298/SARH0804095A .
Aleksić, Zoran, Janković, Saša, Dimitrijević, Božidar, Pucar, Ana, Lazić, Vojkan, Leković, Vojislav, "Clinical impact of platelet rich plasma in treatment of gingival recessions" in Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 136, no. 3-4 (2008):95-103, . .