Prikaz rezultata 2964-2983 od 3990

      Reakcija pulpo-dentinskog kompleksa na kompozitne materijale i prateće adhezivne sisteme [1]
      Reakcija tkiva na materijale za trajno punjenje kanala korena zuba [1]
      Reaktivne lezije usne duplje [1]
      Real-time thermographic analysis of low-density bone during implant placement: a randomized parallel-group clinical study comparing lateral condensation with bone drilling surgical technique [1]
      Recasting as a booster of Ag-Pd alloy cytotoxicity: induction of cell senescence prior to mass cell death [1]
      Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B (RANK) as a determinant of peri-implantitis [1]
      Receptor aktivatora nuklearnog faktora kapa B kao činilac periimplantitisa [1]
      Recesije gingive [1]
      Recognition and normalization of temporal expressions in Serbian medical narratives [1]
      Recognition and normalization of temporal expressions in Serbian texts [1]
      Reconstructing the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint of Homo naledi [1]
      Reconstruction of endodontically treated teeth after excessive loss of tooth structure: Two case reports [1]
      Reconstruction of the orbital floor with individually designed resorptive materials polydioxanone lactide (pdlla) and symphyseal bone graft mandible [1]
      Recurrent rectal cancer related to patients sex [1]
      Reduced muscarinic parotid secretion is underlain by impaired NO signaling in diabetic rabbits [1]
      Reduction of body weight by therapy with H2 receptor antagonists [1]
      Referent geometric entities in orthodontics on 3D models [1]
      Referentni geometrijski entiteti u ortodonciji na trodimenzionalnim modelima [1]
      Refinement of the Fries and Webster modifications of the Bernard repair of the lower lip [1]
      Refluksna bolest kao etiološki faktor erozija zuba [1]