Приказ резултата 3061-3080 од 3990

      Retretman: indikacije i način terapije [1]
      Retrospective analysis of pulp necrosis frequency after uncomplicated crown-fractures in children [1]
      Retrospective study of spontaneous bone regeneration after decompression of large odontogenic cystic lesions in children [1]
      Retrospektivna analiza učestalosti nekroze pulpe nakon nekomplikovanih fraktura krunica zuba u dece [1]
      Retrospetkivna studija spontane regeneracije kosti posle dekompresije velikih odontogenih cističnih lezija kod dece [1]
      Rett Syndrome: Dental and orthodontic findings [1]
      Rezidue karcinoma u ozračenim tkivima tumora predela lica i usne šupljine [1]
      Rezilijentni ekstrakoronarni atečmeni [1]
      Rezultati analize osoba sa Binder-ovim sindromom [1]
      Režanj operacija [1]
      Rhinoplasty: The Nasal Bones - Anatomy and Analysis [1]
      Risk Assessment in Coronary Patients Undergoing Abdominal Nonvascular Surgery [1]
      Risk factors for intraoperative bradycardia during ear, nose, throat and maxillofacial surgery [1]
      Risk Factors for Intraoperative Hypertension during Surgery for Primary Hyperparathyroidism [1]
      Risk factors for intraoperative variations in blood pressure and cardiac dysrhythmia during thyroid surgery [1]
      Risk factors for oral changes in children with epilepsy: Informative article [1]
      Roentgen-craniometric and roentgen-cephalometric analysis of points on the German shepherd dog breed [1]
      Roentgencraniometric analysis of the angular craniofacial dimensions in subjects with temporomandibular disorders [1]
      Roentgencraniometric and roent-gencenphalometric determination of linear parameters on dogs of German Shepard breed [1]
      Roentgencraniometric evaluation of changes in skeletal and dental relationships after bimaxillary surgical correction of mandibular prognathism [1]