Now showing items 3260-3279 of 3990

      Stilovi učenja kod studenata stomatologije [1]
      Stomatodeum [1]
      Stomatološka edukacija levorukih studenata [1]
      Stomatološki tretman starih ljudi sa hendikepom [1]
      Stomatološko zbrinjavanje dece sa kardiološkim problemima [1]
      Stomatološko zbrinjavanje dece sa mentalnim oboljenjima [1]
      Stomatološko zbrinjavanje dece sa nefrološkim oboljenjima [1]
      STR loci D19S216, D20S502 and D20S842 analysis in the Serbian population using dentin DNA [1]
      Strain determination of self-adhesive resin cement using 3D digital image correlation method [1]
      Strain field measurements of glass ionomer cement [1]
      Strain visualization of supporting tissues rehabilitated using two different types of removable partial dentures [1]
      Streptococcus mutans grupa u etiopatogenezi karijesa zuba [1]
      Stress analysis of a unilateral complex partial denture using the finite-element method [1]
      Stress and strain analyses of removable partial denture abutment tooth in relation to the position of the minor connector [1]
      Stress and strain distribution in the lower jaw with shortened dental arch: A finite element method study [1]
      Stress assessment in patients with clinically diagnosed sleep bruxism [1]
      Stress-strain analysis of an abutment tooth with rest seat prepared in a composite restoration [1]
      Structural characteristics and mechanisms of fluorapatite mechanochemical synthesis [1]
      Struktura i problem dentalne antropologije đerdapske serije [1]
      Struktura i uloga vanćelijskih matriksnih molekula dentina [1]