Prikaz rezultata 2975-2994 od 3990

      Reconstruction of endodontically treated teeth after excessive loss of tooth structure: Two case reports [1]
      Reconstruction of the orbital floor with individually designed resorptive materials polydioxanone lactide (pdlla) and symphyseal bone graft mandible [1]
      Recurrent rectal cancer related to patients sex [1]
      Reduced muscarinic parotid secretion is underlain by impaired NO signaling in diabetic rabbits [1]
      Reduction of body weight by therapy with H2 receptor antagonists [1]
      Referent geometric entities in orthodontics on 3D models [1]
      Referentni geometrijski entiteti u ortodonciji na trodimenzionalnim modelima [1]
      Refinement of the Fries and Webster modifications of the Bernard repair of the lower lip [1]
      Refluksna bolest kao etiološki faktor erozija zuba [1]
      Reflux disease as an etiological factor of dental erosion [1]
      Refractive indices of unfilled resin mixtures and cured composites related to color and translucency of conventional and low-shrinkage composites [1]
      Regenerative surgical procedures in therapy of periodontal osseous defects [1]
      Regenerativna terapija [1]
      Regenerativna terapija obolelih od parodontopatije [1]
      Regionalne metastaze malignih tumora usne duplje [1]
      Regulator funkcije po Frenklu tip IIIa [1]
      Rekonstrukcija endodontski lečenih zuba [2]
      Rekonstrukcija poda orbite individualno oblikovanim resorptivnim materijalom polidioksan laktidom (PDLLA) i simfiznim graftom mandibule [1]
      Rekonstruktivne metode u maksilofacijalnoj regiji [1]
      Rekurentni aftozni stomatitis - terapija [1]