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Mogućnosti prevencije povreda zuba - prospektivna studija

dc.creatorBlagojević, Duška
dc.creatorPetrović, Bojan
dc.creatorMarković, Dejan
dc.description.abstractIntroduction The aim of this study was to investigate the most important etiological factors related to traumatic dental injuries, type of required treatment, period from injury to initial treatment and Frequency of recall appointments. Material and methods The sample consisted of 283 children with dental injuries managed at the Department of Dentistry of the Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad. during the last 7 years. Retrospective data relied on trauma protocols of this department, whereas collected data referred to etiological factors, type of initial treatment, period from injury to initial treatment, recall appointments and complications of traumatic dental injuries. These results were compared with other similar national and international studies, in order to promote implementation of preventive strategies that would reduce the increasing frequency of dental trauma. Results Fall accidents were the most common cause of dental trauma. Injuries were most frequent in autumn, in the street, and in the afternoon hours. Single tooth injury was predominant, while the injured mostly denied previous injuries. Almost half of the injured patients did not seek professional help in the first 24 hours after the injury. 40% of treated patients missed their recall appointment. Conclusion Knowledge of the etiology is important for planning preventive, measures, but because of the complexity of etiological factors, it is difficult to prevent traumatic dental injuries. It is also important to underline the importance of immediate initial treatment of traumatized patients, and significance of their regular professional supervision. Generally speaking, almost all treatment procedures in management of traumatic dental injuries include preventive component.en
dc.description.abstractCilj studije je da se odrede mogućnosti primarne prevencije povreda zuba, sa aspekta etiopatogeneze. i sekundarne prevencije. Materijal korišćen u studiji obuhvata 283 pacijenta čija je povreda zuba sanirana na Klinici za stomatologiju u Novom Sadu. periodu 1998- 2004. godine. Podaci se odnose na etiološke faktore, povređenu osobu, vreme proteklo do inicijalnog tretmana, vrstu tretmana, kontrolne preglede i komplikacije. Rezultati su analizirani, prikazani tabelarno i upoređeni sa sličnim studijama objavljenim u literaturi. Najveće specifičnosti se odnose na mesto povređivanja - 36% tokom igre na ulici, i na negiranje recidivantnosti - prijavljeno samo kod 12% ispitanih. 50% pacijenata se nije obratilo stomatologu u prvih 24 sata posle povređivanja, a 40% pacijenata se nije javilo na kontrolni pregled. Mogućnost primame prevencije u odnosu na etiološke faktore je ograničena. Mogućnosti sekundarne prevencije povreda zuba su veće. inicijalni tretman je manje invazivan i sadrži preventivne komponente kada je u pitanju očuvanje vitaliteta zuba i očuvanje zuba u vilici i predstavlja osnovni cilj preventivne strategije dentalne traumatologije.sr
dc.publisherDruštvo lekara Vojvodine Srpskog lekarskog društva, Novi Sad
dc.sourceMedicinski pregled
dc.subjecttooth injuriesen
dc.subjectprevention and controlen
dc.subjecttooth fracturesen
dc.subjectprevention and control - etiologyen
dc.subjectpreventive dentistryen
dc.subjectpovrede zubasr
dc.subjectprevencija i kontrolasr
dc.subjectprelomi zubasr
dc.subjectprevencija i kontrola - etiologijasr
dc.subjectpreventivna stomatologijasr
dc.titlePossibilities of preventing traumatic dental injuries: A prospective studyen
dc.titleMogućnosti prevencije povreda zuba - prospektivna studijasr
dcterms.abstractБлагојевић, Душка; Марковић, Дејан; Петровић, Бојан; Могућности превенције повреда зуба - проспективна студија; Могућности превенције повреда зуба - проспективна студија;
dc.citation.other58(11-12): 567-571



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