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Ispitivanje biokompatibilnosti dentalnih materijala za punjenje kanala korena implantiranih u mišićno tkivo pacova

dc.creatorKaradžić, Branislav
dc.creatorVujašković, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the biocompatibility of different dental materials for teeth root canal obturation, implanted in rat muscular tissue, by analyzing the type of muscular tissue inflammatory reaction level. In the preparation of Wistar rats M. biceps femoris, three different materials for root canal obturation were implanted: Sealapex (Kerr, Romulus, USA), AH-26 (DE Trey, Zurich, Switzerland) and Spongio cement material based on polymethil metacrylate - PMMA (Tomić, 1981, US patent 4296209). The used control material was sterile wax. The rats were sacrificed 30 and 60 days after implantation and the response of the tissue on implanted material was evaluated with standard histological methods on 6 _m sections stained with hematoxilin and eosin. Implantation of Sealapex in rat muscle tissue produced a strong acute inflammation, infiltration with massive polymorphonuclear and numerous giant cells. Acute inflammation still persisted 60 days after implantation. AH-26 produced a strong reaction around the alien body with predominantly limphocitic infiltration. Giant cells and macrophages contained phagocited pieces of material. After 60 days expressive chronic myositis was present with a mass of giant cells and proliferation of connective tissue. Thirty days later the results of histological investigations suggested that implanted PMMA based material still produced a connective fibrous capsula made of fibroblasts and fibrocytes around the implanted material. In the muscular tissue myositis developed forming granulomatous tissue. After 60 days a capsula was made of mature hyalinisated connective tissue without signs of inflammation in the surrounding muscular tissue. The reaction is similar to the reaction to inert control material, such as sterile wax. These findings suggest biocompatibility of PMMA based material for canal obturation.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada je bio da se, na osnovu analize tipa i stepena inflamatorne reakcije koje izazivaju različiti materijali za punjenje kanala korena zuba - sileri, ispita njihova biokompatibilnost nakon unošenja u mišićno tkivo pacova. U poprečno presečen m. biceps femoris laboratorijskih pacova Wistar soja inplantirane su paste za opturaciju kanala Sealapex (Kerr, Romulus, USA), AH - 26 (DE Trey, Zurich, Switzerland) i Spongio cement preparat na bazi PMMA (Tomić, 1981, US patent 4296209), a kao kontrolni materijal stomatološki roze vosak. Životinje su bile žrtvovane nakon 30 i 60 dana, a materijal je pripreman za patohistološ ke pretrage standardnom tehnikom i bojen hematoksilin eozinom. Spongio cement u mišićnom tkivu oko implantiranog materijala daje hronič no zapaljenje, uz stvaranje vezivne kapsule sagrađene od fibroblasta i fibrocita. Nakon 60 dana, kapsula je sagrađena od zrelih ćelija i hijeliniziranih kolagenih vlakana. Implantacija Sealapexa u mišićno tkivo pacova, produkuje jaku hroničnu inflamaciju sa masivnom infiltracijom polimorfonukleara i džinovskih ćelija, koja postoji i nakon 60 dana od implantacije. Pasta AH-26 izaziva burnu reakciju mišićnog tkiva na strano telo sa izraženom limfocitarnom infiltracijom. Nakon 60 dana, prisutna je hronična inflamacija uz prisustvo brojnih džinovskih ćelija i makrofaga koje sadrže fagocitovane deliće materijala, dok vezivno tkivo proliferiše uz stvaranje cističnih tvorevina.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceActa veterinaria
dc.subjectmuscular tissueen
dc.subjectroot canal obturationen
dc.subjectroot canal sealeren
dc.titleBiocompatibility of root canal obturation materials implanted in rats muscular tissueen
dc.titleIspitivanje biokompatibilnosti dentalnih materijala za punjenje kanala korena implantiranih u mišićno tkivo pacovasr
dcterms.abstractКараджић, Бранислав; Вујашковић, Мирјана; Испитивање биокомпатибилности денталних материјала за пуњење канала корена имплантираних у мишићно ткиво пацова; Испитивање биокомпатибилности денталних материјала за пуњење канала корена имплантираних у мишићно ткиво пацова;
dc.citation.other59(2-3): 267-276



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