Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Ishrana starog stanovništva Srbije

dc.creatorObradović, Marijola
dc.creatorVasiljević-Pantelić, Katarina
dc.creatorAnđelski-Radičević, Biljana
dc.description.abstractNutrition of the elderly is very important for health and development. Elderly people in a large percentage use inadequate food, especially in terms of protein, vitamins and minerals. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of the nutrition of elderly by territorial parts of Serbia, type of settlement, gender, age, educational level and prosperous state. In that order, the data of extensive survey, conducted by the Institute of Public Health of Serbia, have been analyzed. The results showed that nutrition of elderly population (65 and over) is inadequate. About 72% of them have breakfast regularly, and only 61.6% has all three meals. Around 6% never have breakfast, 93% of them consumed lunch and 69.2% dinner. They eat mostly white and semi-white bread, while other types far less. They commonly used oil (60.5%) and 35.1% pig fat, other fats rarely. As a spread on bread, commonly are used margarine (44.8%) and cream (1.4%), while 37% do not use any prayers. They add salt mainly when the food is not salty enough (49.5%), but about 6% add salt before trying it. Fruits and vegetables are used insufficiently - less than 50% use fruits, vegetables only 32%, except that more educated and wealthier people, who use more. Among different types of food the elderly people commonly use potatoes, rice, pasta and chicken, about 1-2 times a week. Less common they eat fish, beef, processed meats, sweets and soft drinks. About 43% of the elderly drink at least one cup of milk or of milk products per day, most of fat from 0.5 to 3.2%. They usually drink 1-3 cups of coffee a day (76%), tea 46.4%, and sweetened it with a cube of sugar or have sugar-free drink. When choosing a nutrition, 19% of them never thinks about health, and 38% of the elderly do it often or always.en
dc.description.abstractIshrana starih osoba je veoma značajna za razvoj i zdravlje. Stare osobe u velikom procentu se neadekvatno hrane, naročito u pogledu proteina, vitamina i minerala. Cilj rada je da se sagledaju karakteristike ishrane starih lica po teritorijalnim delovima Srbije, tipu naselja, polu, uzrastu, obrazovnom nivou i imovnom stanju. U tom cilju su analizirani podaci obimnog anketnog istraživanja koje je sproveo Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije. Rezultati su pokazali da je ishrana starog stanovništva (65 i više godina) neadekvatna. Redovno doručkuje oko 72%, a sva tri obroka ima samo 61,6%. Nikad ne doručkuje oko 6%, ručak konzumira 93% i večeru 69,2%. Od hleba uglavnom jedu beli i polubeli, a ostale vrste daleko ređe. Od masnoća najčešće koriste ulje (60,5%) i svinjsku mast 35,1%, dok ostale masnoće vrlo retko. Kao namaz na hleb najčešće koriste margarin (44,8%) i kajmak (1,4%), a 37% uopšte ne koristi nikakav namaz. Hranu dosoljavaju uglavnom kad nije dovoljno slana (49,5%), ali oko 6% dosoljava i pre probanja. Voće i povrće se koristi nedovoljno - manje od 50% koristi voće, a samo 32% povrće, s tim što obrazovanije i imućnije osobe koriste više. Od pojedinih vrsta namirnica stara lica koriste najčešće krompir, pirinač, testeninu i piletinu i to 1-2 puta nedeljno. Najređe se jede riba, juneće meso, mesne prerađevine, slatkiši i bezalkoholna pića. Oko 43% starih lica pije bar jednu šolju mleka ili mlečnih proizvoda dnevno, najčešće masnoće 0,5-3,2%. Kafu piju najčešće 1-3 šolje dnevno (76%), čaj 46,4%, a zaslađuju ga sa jednom kockom šećera ili piju bez šećera. Pri izboru načina ishrane 19% ne misli nikad na zdravlje, a često i uvek 38% starih
dc.publisherKomora zdravstvenih ustanova Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceZdravstvena zaštita
dc.titleNutrition of the old Serbian populationen
dc.titleIshrana starog stanovništva Srbijesr
dcterms.abstractAнђелски-Радичевић, Биљана; Васиљевић-Пантелић, Катарина; Обрадовић, Маријола; Исхрана старог становништва Србије; Исхрана старог становништва Србије;
dc.citation.other42(4): 31-40



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