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Stanje zuba dece s posebnim potrebama u Banjaluci

dc.creatorĐeri, Aleksandra
dc.creatorKuzmanović-Radman, Irena
dc.creatorNovaković, Budimka
dc.creatorBožić, Dejan
dc.creatorGrabež, Milkica
dc.creatorPrtina, Alma
dc.creatorŽivković, Slavoljub
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Dental status in people with special needs is generally non satisfactory. Children with special needs have difficulties in maintaining oral hygiene, they require special conditions for dental care and because of previous negative experience they often show emotional vulnerability. Development of oral and dental diseases in these subjects is the consequence of insufficient knowledge about the causes of these diseases, poor eating habits, low level of oral hygiene and inadequate number of visits to dentist. The aim of this study was to determine dental status and the prevalence of dental caries in children with special needs in the institution 'Zaštiti me' in Banjaluka. Material and Methods. The study included 82 children (53 boys and 29 girls) with mixed and permanent dentition age 5-15 years. They were divided into four groups according to their diagnosis. The first group included children with combined disorders of speech development and hearing, in the second group were children who had neurological disorders without mental retardation, third group included children with mild mental retardation and fourth group comprised children with moderate mental retardation. For each patient the number of teeth, the presence of caries and restorations, the number of extracted teeth, the presence of residual roots and the presence and number of fixed restorations were recorded. Results. Mean DMFT of all teeth was 9.77. Detailed analysis showed the greatest number of decayed teeth (83.83%), and filled teeth (9.52%) whereas the least number was for extracted teeth (6.65%). The highest percentage of children (79.27%) did not have any class I composite filling or one amalgam filling class I (82.92%). Only one child had a fixed restoration. Conclusion. The status of teeth in children with special needs in the institution 'Zaštiti me' in Banjaluka indicated high percentage of carious teeth, small percentage of restorations and extracted teeth, and inadequate oral hygiene.en
dc.description.abstractUvod. Stanje zuba osoba s posebnim potrebama uglavnom nije zadovoljavajuće. Deca s posebnim potrebama imaju poteškoća u održavanju higijene usta i zuba, zahtevaju posebne uslove pri zbrinjavanju u stomatološkim ordinacijama i neretko, zbog prethodnih loših iskustava, pokazuju emotivnu preosetljivost. Značajnu ulogu u nastanku oboljenja usta i zuba kod ovih osoba imaju nedovoljna znanja o uzrocima ovih oboljenja, loše navike u ishrani, nizak nivo oralne higijene i nedovoljan broj poseta stomatologu. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrde stanje zuba dece s posebnim potrebama koja borave u ustanovi 'Zaštiti me' u Banjaluci i prevalencija karijesa kod ovih osoba. Materijal i metode rada. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćena 82 deteta s mešovitom i stalnom denticijom (uzrasta 5-15 godina), od čega 53 dečaka i 29 devojčica. Ispitanici su svrstani u četiri grupe prema dijagnozi. Prvu grupu činila su deca s kombinovanim smetnjama razvoja govora i sluha, drugu deca s neurološkim poremećajima bez mentalne retardacije, treću deca s blagom mentalnom retardacijom, a četvrtu grupu deca s umerenom mentalnom retardacijom. Stomatološkim pregledom su utvrđeni: broj zuba, postojanje karijesa, postojanje ispuna, broj izvađenih zuba, postojanje zaostalih korenova i postojanje i broj fiksnih nadoknada. Ovi podaci upisani su u stomatološke kartone svakog pacijenta. Rezultati. Srednja vrednost indeksa KEP ukupno pregledanih zuba bila je 9,77. Detaljnim analizama je utvrđeno da je bilo najviše zuba zahvaćenih karijesom (83,83%), zatim plombiranih zuba (9,52%), a najmanje ekstrahovanih zuba (6,65%). Najveći procenat dece (79,27%) nije imao nijedan kompozitni ispun prve klase, odnosno jedan amalgamski ispun prve klase (82,92%). Samo je jedno dete imalo fiksnu nadoknadu. Zaključak. Stanje zuba dece s posebnim potrebama u Banjaluci ukazuje na visok procenat karijesnih zuba i mali procenat plombiranih i ekstrahovanih zuba, kao i na neodgovarajuću oralnu higijenu.sr
dc.publisherSrpsko lekarsko društvo - Stomatološka sekcija, Beograd
dc.sourceStomatološki glasnik Srbije
dc.subjectdental statusen
dc.subjectextracted teethen
dc.subjectspecial needsen
dc.subjectstanje zubasr
dc.subjectizvađeni zubisr
dc.subjectposebne potrebesr
dc.titleDental status of children with special needs in Banjalukaen
dc.titleStanje zuba dece s posebnim potrebama u Banjalucisr
dcterms.abstractЖивковић, Славољуб; Новаковић, Будимка; Грабеж, Милкица; Ђери, Aлександра; Кузмановић-Радман, Ирена; Пртина, Aлма; Божић, Дејан; Стање зуба деце с посебним потребама у Бањалуци; Стање зуба деце с посебним потребама у Бањалуци;
dc.citation.other60(1): 7-14



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