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Zdravlje, kvalitet života i zadovoljstvo životom starijih osoba

dc.creatorObradović, Marijola
dc.creatorMitrović, Bojan
dc.creatorAnđelski-Radičević, Biljana
dc.description.abstractGiving greater attention to the quality of life stemmed from the desire of people to live a full, active and effective life and in old age and throughout life, not just survive in the event of illness. The aim of this paper is to examine the health, quality of life and life satisfaction of older people, by the territorial parts of Serbia, settlement type, gender, age, education, and prosperous state. In the realization of the objective of the paper analyzes the data of extensive survey research conducted by the Institute of Public Health of Serbia 'Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut' (2000 and 2006). The results showed that most elderly people evaluate their health as well as the average (38.1% in all cases), then the good (23.8%), and generally good (14.2%), and only a low 23.9%. Health is the same as last year, believes 43% of the elderly, and even 6.9% of them to have better health. For their own health are considered itself responsible for 37.2% of them. Older people prefer to be surrounded with people and have good family relations. On the list of life values in the first place senior placed politics, good business and religion, and an interesting job to have enough money, and the last place put health! Current life satisfaction was only 3.4% of the elderly. Older people are satisfied with children (18.3%), friends, relatives and neighbors, and brethren, and sisters, and then the spouse! About 85% of elderly people are out of whom to rely in case of need. Older people are most dissatisfied with their health, income, political situation, loneliness and family.en
dc.description.abstractObraćanje veće pažnje na kvalitet života proizišlo je iz želje ljudi za punim, aktivnim i delotvornim životom i u dubokoj starosti , a ne samo da preživljavaju kao u slučaju bolesti. Cilj rada je da se sagleda zdravlje, kvalitet života i zadovoljstvo životom starijih osoba, po teritorijalnim delovima Srbije, tipu naselja, polu, starosti, obrazovanju i imućnom stanju. U realizaciji cilja rada analizirani su podaci obimnog anketnog istraživanja koje je sproveo Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije 'Dr Milan Jovanović Batut' (2000. i 2006. godine). Rezultati su pokazali da najviše starih ljudi ocenjuje svoje zdravlje kao prosečno (u 38,1% slučajeva), zatim dobro (23,8%) i uglavnom dobro (14,2%), a kao loše samo 23,9%. Da je zdravlje isto kao prošle godine smatra 43% starijih osoba, čak 6,9% starijih da ima bolje zdravlje, a 37,2% starijih smatra da su sami odgovorni za svoje zdravlje. Starije osobe najviše vole da su okružene ljudima i da imaju dobre porodične odnose. Na listi životnih vrednosti na prvo mesto stariji stavljaju bavljenje politikom, dobar biznis i religiju, a zatim zanimljiv posao, da imaju dovoljno novca, a na poslednje zdravlje! Sadašnjim životom zadovoljno je samo 3,4% starijih. Stariji ljudi su najzadovoljniji decom (18,3%), prijateljima, rođacima i komšijama, a zatim braćom i sestrama, pa tek onda bračnim partnerom! Oko 85% starijih osoba nema na koga da se osloni u slučaju potrebe. Starije osobe su najnezadovoljnije zdravljem, prihodima, političkom situacijom, samoćom i rodbinom.sr
dc.publisherKomora zdravstvenih ustanova Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceZdravstvena zaštita
dc.subjectquality of lifeen
dc.subjectlife satisfactionen
dc.subjectolder peopleen
dc.subjectkvalitet životasr
dc.subjectzadovoljstvo životomsr
dc.subjectstarije osobesr
dc.titleHealth quality of life and life satisfaction of older peopleen
dc.titleZdravlje, kvalitet života i zadovoljstvo životom starijih osobasr
dcterms.abstractМитровић, Бојан; Обрадовић, Маријола; Aнђелски-Радичевић, Биљана; Здравље, квалитет живота и задовољство животом старијих особа; Здравље, квалитет живота и задовољство животом старијих особа;
dc.citation.other43(4): 18-27



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