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Sistemska nemaligna osteoporoza skeleta i resorpcija bezubih grebenova vilica

dc.creatorPoštić, Srđan
dc.creatorVujasinović-Stupar, Nada
dc.creatorAsotić, Mithat
dc.creatorRakočević, Zoran
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Systemic osteoporosis damages skeletal bones to different degrees. The aim of this study was to determine the intensity and correlation of the osteoporotic changes in the bone density of the skeleton and body mass index (BMI) with a reduction in edentulous mandibles, and to assess possibility of reparation of layers of mandibles with increase of mineral content in jaws of patients affected by osteoporosis. Material and Methods. In this study, 99 edentulous patients with decreased bone density comprised the experimental group, and 48 edentulous patients with normal bone densities formed the control. The age of the examined patients was 69.02 ± 7,9, range 53-74 of females and 69.11 ± 7.1, range 59-76 years. Radiographs of the hands and panoramic radiographs were done for all the patients. The values of BMI, metacarpal index, density of lumbar spine (L2-L4), in the phalanx and in segments of the mandibles as well as the edentulous alveolar ridges heights were measured, assessed and calculated. Results. The lowest value of the total skeletal density was established in the osteoporotic patients on the basis of the average T-score of- 2.5 in men, and - 2.6 in women. Minimum values of the edentulous ridges heights (right/left, in mm) were measured in both osteoporotic females (21.84/22.39) and males 24.90/24.96) patients. By comparison of the densities of the metacarpal bones, proximal phalanx, segments of the edentulous mandibles and based on the numerical values of the edentulous ridges heights, x2 = 3.81 was found in men and x2 = 4.03 was found in women with normal bone densities; x2 = 5.92 was found in men and x2 = 6.25 was found in women with osteopenia; x2 = 2.63 was found in men and x2 = 3.85 was found in women with osteoporosis, on the level of probability of 0.05. After application of calcium and calcitonin in solutions, moderate increment of density (p lt 0.05; p lt 0.01) was verified, compensating up to 4% of total loss of mass, minerals and solidity of denture bearing areas of osteoporotic mandibles. Conclusion. Systemic osteoporosis leads to decrease of densities of bones of mandibles and causes reduction of edentulous ridges.en
dc.description.abstractUvod. Sistemska osteoporoza oštećuje kosti humanih skeleta u različitoj meri. Cilj ove studije je bio da se utvrde intenzitet i povezanost promena u gustini skeleta usled osteoporoze i indeks telesne mase (BMI) sa redukcijom bezube mandibule, i da se proceni mogućnost reparacije slojeva u mandibuli praćena porastom mineralnog sadržaja u vilicama pacijenata obolelih usled osteoporoze. Materijal i metode. U ovoj studiji, 99 bezubih pacijenata sa smanjenom gustinom kosti su sačinjavali eksperimentalnu grupu, a 48 bezubih pacijenata sa normalnom gustinom kosti su bili kontrolna grupa. Godine starosti ispitanih pacijenata i pacijentkinja su iznosile 69,02 ± 7,9, u granicama od 53 do74 godine kod žena, i 69,11 ±7,1, u granicama od 59 do76 godina kod muškaraca. Radiografije šaka i ortopantomogrami sunačinjeni kod svih ispitanih pacijenata. Vrednosti BMI, metakarpalnih indeksa, gustine tela lumbalnih pršljenova (L2-L4), u falangama i u segmentima donjih vilica, a takođe i visine bezubih alveolarnih grebenova su bile ispitane, izmerene i izračunate. Rezultati. Najmanja vrednost ukupne gustine skeleta je utvrđena kod pacijenata obolelih od osteoporoze na osnovu T veličine od -2,5 kod muškaraca, i -2,6 kod žena. Minimalne vrednosti visina bezubih grebenova (desno/levo, u mm) su bile izmerene i kod žena (21,84/22,39) i kod muškaraca (24,90/24,96) obolelih od osteoporoze. Upoređivanjima gustina metakarpalnih kostiju, proksimalnih falangi, segmenata (prostora) bezubih mandibula, i na osnovu numeričkih vrednosti izmerenih visina bezubih grebenova, x2 = 3,81 je izračunato kod muškaraca, a x2 = 4,03 kod žena sa normalnom koštanom gustinom; x2 = 5.92 je izračunato kod muškaraca, a x2 = 6,25 kod žena sa osteopenijom; x2 = 2,63 je izračunato kod muškaraca, a x2 = 3,85 je izračunato kod žena sa osteoporozom, na osnovu nivoa verovatnoće od 0,05. Posle aplikovanja kalcijuma i kalcitonina u rastvoru, umeren porast gustine (p lt 0,05; p lt 0,01) je zabeležen, nadoknađujući, na taj način ukupno do 4% gubitka koštane mase i mineralnog sadržaja u nosećim i potpornim tkivima osteoporoznih donjih vilica. Zaključak. Sistemska osteoporoza dovodi do smanjenja gustine kosti donje vilice i uzrokuje resorpciju bezubih
dc.publisherUdruženje lekara Sanamed, Novi Pazar
dc.subjectstomatognathic systemen
dc.subjectmineral contenten
dc.subjectdonja vilicasr
dc.subjectstomatognati sistemsr
dc.subjectmineralni sadržajsr
dc.titleSystemic non-malignant osteoporosis and reduction of edentulous alveolar ridgesen
dc.titleSistemska nemaligna osteoporoza skeleta i resorpcija bezubih grebenova vilicasr
dcterms.abstractРакочевић, Зоран; Aсотић, Митхат; Вујасиновић-Ступар, Нада; Поштић, Срђан; Системска немалигна остеопороза скелета и ресорпција безубих гребенова вилица; Системска немалигна остеопороза скелета и ресорпција безубих гребенова вилица;
dc.citation.other9(1): 13-23

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