Приказ резултата 1494-1513 од 2321

      Possibilities of reconstruction and implant-prosthetic rehabilitation following mandible resection [1]
      Possibilities to prevent gingivitis during fixed orthodontic appliance therapy [1]
      Possibility of 'Spongio cement' usage for root canal opturation [1]
      Possibility of saliva use in detecting anti herpes simplex virus IgM antibodies [1]
      Possibility of usage of a homeopathic remedy heparsulfuris in the therapy of endoperiodontal lesion [1]
      Possibilty of the lower third molar eruption: Radiographic analysis [1]
      Possible errors during the optical impression procedure [1]
      Post space cleaning using a new nickel titanium endodontic drill combined with different cleaning regimens [1]
      Post-Retained Single Crowns versus Fixed Dental Prostheses: A 7-Year Prospective Clinical Study [1]
      Post-retentive ability of new flowable resin composites [1]
      Postekspoziciona profilaksa za hepatotropne viruse (HBV i HCV) i virus humane imunodeficijencije (HIV) [1]
      Posterior composite restorations: Theoretical and practical teaching of undergraduate students in Serbia and abroad [1]
      Postexposition prophylaxis for hepatotropic viruses (HBV and HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) [1]
      Postoperative analgesia after lower third molar surgery: contribution of the use of long-acting local anesthetics, low-power laser, and diclofenac [1]
      Postoperative pain after primary endodontic treatment and retreatment of asymptomatic teeth [1]
      Postoperative sensitivity associated with low shrinkage versus conventional composites [1]
      Posture in dentists: Sitting vs. standing positions during dentistry work: An EMG study [1]
      Potencijalni faktori rizika za nastajanje dijabetesa melitusa tipa 2 [1]
      Potential of information technology in dental education [1]
      Potential preservation of dental pulp stem cells [1]