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Uvod u verifikaciju instrumenta GOHAI za merenje oralnozdravstvenog kvaliteta života osoba sa zubnim nadoknadama primenom preliminarne srpske verzije - pilot studija

dc.creatorPopović, Željka
dc.creatorGajić, Ivanka
dc.creatorObradović-Đuričić, Kosovka
dc.creatorMilošević, Dragoslav P.
dc.description.abstractBackground/Aim. Quality of life related to health should be seen as a multidimensional concept that, in addition to the physical symptoms associated with a disease and treatment, should include physical, psychological and social functioning of a person. The primary objective of this study was to use the Serbian preliminary version of the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) questionnaire in order to examine the consistency, reliability and stability, as well as an introduction to the verification tool. Methods. The GOHAI questionnaire with 6-level Likert scale, translated into Serbian, including the relevant oral health characteristics (oral hygiene, required dentures, number of teeth extracted), was filled by five specialists in prosthodontics for 30 randomly selected respondents, before and after the dental prosthetic treatment. Subsequently, in order to measure the reliability of the questionnaire, 27 patients were reinterviewed. Results. The value of Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient (Crα) before the treatment was 0.878, and after the treatment it was 0.788 confirming the internal consistency and stability of the questionnaire. The validity of discriminatory properties of the GOHAI was confirmed by the Spearman's correlation coefficient (r), which was highly significantly associated with oral health characteristics, confirming the high reliability of the measurement. The results of test-retest analysis measured by the individual Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) were in the range of 0.34-0.97, and for the total score r was 0.927, while the Kappa coefficient was 0.63. The correlation analysis of the GOHAI score before the treatment showed that for 10 questions there was a statistically significant correlation of the score with the answers to the questions, and for 6 questions Spearman's r was ≥ 0.7. After the treatment a highly significant correlation of the GOHAI was shown with the answers to 10 questions, while for 5 questions the Spearman's r was > 0.6. The GOHAI average score before the treatment was 19.44 ± 11.12, and after the treatment 2.77 ± 3.83, where the lower value indicates better quality of life. Conclusion. The results of this pilot study confirm internal consistency and stability of the Serbian preliminary version of the GOHAI questionnaire and the causal relation between the quality of life and the characteristics of oral health of the patients with dentures. Accordingly, instrument verification is recommended.en
dc.description.abstractUvod/Cilj. Kvalitet života u vezi sa zdravljem treba posmatrati kao multidimenzioni koncept koji, pored fizičkih simptoma vezanih za bolest i lečenje, treba da obuhvati i fizičko, psihičko i društveno funkcionisanje osobe. Primarni cilj studije bio je da se korišćenjem preliminarne srpske verzije upitnika Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) ispita konzistentnost, pouzdanost i stabilnost, kao uvod u verifikaciju instrumenta. Metode. GOHAI upitnik sa 6- stepenom Likertovom skalom, preveden na srpski jezik, koji je uključivao i oralnozdravstvene karakteristike (oralna higijena, potrebne zubne nadoknade, broj izvađenih zuba), popunjavan je od strane petoro specijalista stomatološke protetike za 30 slučajno izabranih ispitanika, pre i posle stomatoprotetskog lečenja. Naknadno, radi merenja pouzdanosti upitnika, ponovo je intervjuisano 27 ispitanika. Rezultati. Vrednost Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient (Crα pre lečenja bila je 0,878, a posle lečenja 0,788, čime su potvrđene interna konzistentnost i stabilnost upitnika. Valjanost diskriminatornog svojstva GOHAI potvrđena je vrednostima Spearmanovog koeficijenta korelacije (r), koji je značajan kada su u pitanju oralnozdravstvene karakteristike, čime je potvrđena valjanost merenja. Rezultati test-retest analize merene pojedinačnim Pearsonovim koeficijentom korelacije (r) bili su u rasponu 0,34-0,97, a za ukupan skor r je bio 0,927, dok je Kappa koeficijent bio 0,63. Korelaciona analiza GOHAI pre lečenja ukazala je da je za 10 pitanja postojala značajna povezanost skora sa odgovorima na pitanja, a za 6 Spearmanov r bio je ≥ 0,7. Posle lečenja utvrđena je značajna veza GOHAI sa odgovorima na 10 pitanja, a za 5 Spearmanov r bio je > 0.6. Prosek GOHAI skora pre lečenja bio je 19,44 ± 11,12, a posle lečenja 2,77 ± 3,83, gde manja vrednost ukazuje na bolji kvalitet života. Zaključak. Rezultati ovog pilot istraživanja potvrdili su internu konzistentnost i stabilnost preliminarne srpske verzije GOHAI upitnika, kao i kauzalnu vezu kvaliteta života sa karakteristikama oralnog zdravlja ispitanika sa zubnim nadoknadama, te se može preporučiti sprovođenje verifikacije instrumenta.sr
dc.publisherVojnomedicinska akademija - Institut za naučne informacije, Beograd
dc.sourceVojnosanitetski pregled
dc.subjectquality of lifeen
dc.subjectstare osobesr
dc.subjectkvalitet životasr
dc.titleIntroduction to verification of the GOHAI instrument for measuring the oral health-related quality of life in patients with dentures using the Serbian preliminary version: A pilot studyen
dc.titleUvod u verifikaciju instrumenta GOHAI za merenje oralnozdravstvenog kvaliteta života osoba sa zubnim nadoknadama primenom preliminarne srpske verzije - pilot studijasr
dcterms.abstractОбрадовић-Ђуричић, Косовка; Милошевић, Драгослав П.; Поповић, Жељка; Гајић, Иванка; Увод у верификацију инструмента ГОХAИ за мерење оралноздравственог квалитета живота особа са зубним надокнадама применом прелиминарне српске верзије - пилот студија; Увод у верификацију инструмента ГОХAИ за мерење оралноздравственог квалитета живота особа са зубним надокнадама применом прелиминарне српске верзије - пилот студија;
dc.citation.other72(12): 1055-1062



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