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Kvalitet života povezan sa oralnim zdravljem korisnika domova za stara lica u Srbiji

dc.creatorPetrović, Miloš
dc.creatorStančić, Ivica
dc.creatorPopovac, Aleksandra
dc.creatorVasović, Miroslav
dc.description.abstractBackground/Aim. Elderly residents in nursing homes have a great risk of periodontal and tooth diseases. Improving oral health can also improve residents' general health and quality of life. The objective of our study was to investigate oral health related quality of life of institutionalized elderly in Serbia using Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). Methods. The Serbian version of the GOHAI questionnaire was developed in accordance with the recommended backward-forward method. A total of 301 participants completed the Serbian version of the GOHAI questionnaire. The questionnaire sought information about sociodemographic characteristics and self-reported perception of general and oral health. Clinical examination included assessment of periodontal and dental status. Reliability, internal consistency, and concurrent and convergent validity of GOHAI scores were examined. Results. There were 197 female and 104 male participants with the average age of 78.6 (SD ± 7.8) and average time spent in nursing home 4.9 (SD ± 4.7) years. The average score of the GOHAI was 48.4 (SD ± 8.4). Low GOHAI scores were associated with perceptions of poor oral and general health. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the Serbian version of GOHAI was 0.79. This instrument showed a high level of internal consistency and homogeneity between questions. The respondents who perceived that they needed dental treatment at the time had significantly lower GOHAI scores. A total of 48.5% of the participants reported 'always' having difficulties when chewing. On the other hand, a small number of participants (0.3%) used medications 'always' to relieve dental pain. Conclusion. The Serbian version of the GOHAI showed acceptable reliability and validity. The GOHAI final score was considered low, indicating low oral health self-perception by the institutionalized elderly in Serbia.en
dc.description.abstractUvod/Cilj. Stariji korisnici domova za stara lica izloženi su velikom riziku od nastanka periodontalnih bolesti i bolesti zuba. Poboljšanje oralnog zdravlja može poboljšati opšte zdravlje i kvalitet života korisnika domova za stara lica. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je da se ispita oralno zdravlje i njegova povezanost sa kvalitetom života korisnika domova za stara lica u Srbiji pomoću indeksa Geriatric Oral Health Assessment (GOHAI). Metode. Srpska verzija upitnika GOHAI razvijena je u skladu s preporučenom backward-forward metodom. Ukupno 301 ispitanik učestvovao je u studiji. Upitnik je sadržao pitanja o sociodemografskim karakteristikama i sopstvenoj percepciji oralnog i opšteg zdravlja. Klinički pregled uključivao je procenu periodontalnog i dentalnog statusa. Ispitivani su pouzdanost, interna konzistentnost i konkurentna i konvergentna valjanost upitnika GOHAI. Rezultati. Ispitano je 197 ženskih i 104 muška ispitanika, prosečne starosti od 78,6 (SD ± 7,8) godina sa prosečnim vremenom provedenim u domu od 4,9 (SD ± 4,7) godina. Prosečna vrednost skora GOHAI bila je 48,4 (SD ± 8,4). Nizak GOHAI bio je povezan s percepcijama lošeg oralnog i opšteg zdravlja. Koeficijent Cronbach alfa za srpsku verziju GOHAI iznosio je 0,79. Ovaj instrument je pokazao visok nivo interne konzistentnosti i homogenosti između pitanja. Ispitanici koji su imali potrebu za stomatološkom intervencijom pokazali su značajno niže GOHAI rezultate. Ukupno 48,5% ispitanika imalo je 'uvek' poteškoća u toku žvakanja. S druge strane, mali broj ispitanika (0,3%) 'uvek' koristi lekove za ublažavanje zubobolje. Zaključak. Srpska verzija GOHAI pokazala je prihvatljivu pouzdanost i validnost. Konačni GOHAI rezultat je nizak, što ukazuje na loše oralno zdravlje i sa njim povezan kvalitet života korisnika domova za stara lica u Srbiji.sr
dc.publisherVojnomedicinska akademija - Institut za naučne informacije, Beograd
dc.sourceVojnosanitetski pregled
dc.subjecthomes for the ageden
dc.subjectsurveys and questionnairesen
dc.subjectsensitivity and specificityen
dc.subjectstare osobesr
dc.subjectstarački domovisr
dc.subjectankete i upitnicisr
dc.subjectosetljivost i specifičnostsr
dc.titleOral health-related quality of life of institutionalized elderly in Serbiaen
dc.titleKvalitet života povezan sa oralnim zdravljem korisnika domova za stara lica u Srbijisr
dcterms.abstractПетровић, Милош; Поповац, Aлександра; Станчић, Ивица; Васовић, Мирослав; Квалитет живота повезан са оралним здрављем корисника домова за стара лица у Србији; Квалитет живота повезан са оралним здрављем корисника домова за стара лица у Србији;
dc.citation.other74(5): 402-409



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