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Biokompatibilnost nanostrukturnih biomaterijala na bazi kalcijum-aluminata

dc.creatorJanković, Ognjenka
dc.creatorParaš, Smiljana
dc.creatorTadić-Latinović, Ljiljana
dc.creatorJosipović, Renata
dc.creatorJokanović, Vukoman
dc.creatorŽivković, Slavoljub
dc.description.abstractIntroduction/Objective The aim of this paper was to verify the biocompatibility of the newly synthesized nanostructured material based on calcium aluminate after implantation into the subcutaneous tissue of rats. Methods The study included 18 rats aged 10-11 weeks, divided into two experimental groups (n = 9). In all animals, incision took place on the back and two pockets of 15 mm in depth were made, in which sterile polyethylene tubes with test materials [calcium aluminate cement (ALBO-CA), calcium silicate cement with the addition of hydroxyapatite (ALBO-CSHA), and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) for the control group) were implanted. Six rats of each group were sacrificed in three observational periods (seven, 15, 30 days). Pathohistological analysis included inflammation, bleeding, fibrous capsule, and tissue integrity around the implanted material. Results After seven days of treatment, ALBO-CA and ALBO-CSHA showed better tissue response compared to MTA, with a statistically significant difference in inflammation intensity (p = 0.2781). The difference in vascular congestion and thickness of the fibrous capsule after implantation of ALBO-CA material compared to MTA was also statistically significant (p = 0.5567). At the end of the 30-day evaluation period, an identical inflammatory response of connective tissue at the site of implanting ALBO-CA, ALBO-CSHA, and MTA (score of 0.7) was recorded. The formation of thick or moderately thick fibrous capsule was found to be the thickest in ALBO-CA (grade 3.7). There were no statistically significant differences between the parameters analyzed after 30 days. Conclusion Newly synthesized ALBO-CA showed a satisfactory tissue response and confirmed biocompatibility after implantation in subcutaneous tissue of rats.en
dc.description.abstractUvod/Cilj Cilj ovog rada je bio da se proveri biokompatibilnost novosintetisanog nanostrukturnog materijala na bazi kalcijum-aluminata posle implantacije u potkožno tkivo pacova. Metode U istraživanje je uključeno 18 pacova starosti 10-11 sedmica, koji su podeljeni u dve eksperimentalne grupe (n = 9). Kod svih životinja je urađena incizija na leđima i formirana su dva džepa dubine 15 mm u koja su aplicirane sterilne polietilenske tubice sa testnim materijalima (ALBO-CA, ALBO-CSHA i kontrola MTA). Po šest pacova svake grupe je žrtvovano u tri opservaciona perioda (7, 15 i 30 dana). Patohistološki su analizirani inflamacija, krvarenje, fibrozna kapsula i integritet tkiva oko implantiranog materijala. Rezultati Posle sedam dana ALBO-CA i ALBO-CSHA su pokazali bolji tkivni odgovor u odnosu na MTA sa statistički značajnom razlikom u intenzitetu inflamacije (p = 0,2781). Razlika u vaskularnoj kongestiji i debljini fibrozne kapsule posle implantacije materijala ALBO-CA u odnosu na MTA je takođe bila statistički značajna (p = 0,5567). Na kraju evaluacionog perioda od 30 dana zabeležen je identičan inflamatorni odgovor rastresitog vezivnog tkiva na mestu implantacije ALBO-CA, ALBO-CSHA i MTA (ocena 0,7). Konstatovano je formiranje debele ili umereno debele fibrozne kapsule, koja je bila najdeblja kod ALBO-CA (ocena 3,7). Statistički značajne razlike između analiziranih parametara posle 30 dana nije bilo. Zaključak Novosintetisani ALBO-CA je pokazao zadovoljavajuću tkivnu reakciju i potvrdio biokompatibilnost posle implantacije u potkožno tkivo
dc.publisherSrpsko lekarsko društvo, Beograd
dc.sourceSrpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
dc.subjectcalcium aluminatesen
dc.subjectcalcium silicatesen
dc.subjecttissue reactionen
dc.subjecttkivna reakcijasr
dc.titleBiocompatibility of nanostructured biomaterials based on calcium aluminateen
dc.titleBiokompatibilnost nanostrukturnih biomaterijala na bazi kalcijum-aluminatasr
dcterms.abstractПараш, Смиљана; Јосиповић, Рената; Тадић-Латиновић, Љиљана; Јокановић, Вукоман; Јанковић, Огњенка; Живковић, Славољуб; Биокомпатибилност наноструктурних биоматеријала на бази калцијум-алумината; Биокомпатибилност наноструктурних биоматеријала на бази калцијум-алумината;
dc.citation.other146(11-12): 634-640

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