Now showing items 21-40 of 195

      Analysis of tricalcium silicate (biodentin) as a dentin substitute under composite restorations in posterior teeth [1]
      Assesment of growth pattern and relationship between cervical and craniofacial structures [1]
      Assessment of craniofacial implant stability by resonant frequency analysis [1]
      BIocompatibility investigation of nanosynthesized materials based on calcium silicates and its impact on pulpo-periodontal tissue [1]
      Biocompatibility of nanostructural biomaterials based on active calcium silicate systems and hydroxyapatite [1]
      Biological activity of the compound scaffolds based on highly porous hydroxyapatite and their influence on bone tissue engineering [1]
      Biološka aktivnost kompozitnih ćelijskih nosača na bazi visokoporoznih hidroksiapatita i njihov uticaj na tkivno inženjerstvo kosti [1]
      Cephalometric assesement of the cranio-facial pattern skeletal class III in the period of mixed dentition [1]
      Characterisation and toxic activity of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans isolates [1]
      Characteristics of dental composites and dentin restoratives relevant for optical properties of the final restoration [1]
      Characteristics of polymethyl-methacrylate enriched with zinc-oxide nanoparticles in complete dentures [1]
      Clinical and microbiologycal analysis of endodontic treatment failure [1]
      Clinical evaluation of immediately loaded short hybrid self-tapping implants inserted in the posterior maxilla [1]
      Clinical study of the periimplant healing to hydrophilic and hydrophobic implant surfaces in patients receiving anticoagulants [1]
      Comparative analisys of clinical and microbiological finding in patients with denture stomatitis [1]
      Comparative analysis of both stabilization appliance therapy and pharmacotherapy succses in temporomandibular disorder patients [1]
      Comparative analysis of intraperiodontal and intraseptal anaesthesia quality in healthy individuals and patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 [1]
      Composites and adhesives with synthetic hydroxyapatite fillers and hydroxyapatite inserts : evaluation of mechanical properties and the quality of the adhesive bond [1]
      Computerized occlusal analysis in patients with fixed dental restorations on implants [1]
      Correlation between dental and prosthetic status, apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism and Alzheimer disease [1]