Now showing items 157-176 of 195

      The evaluation of efficiency of the photodynamic therapy in peri-implantitis [1]
      The evaluation of post orthodontic treatment stability during retention with essix type retainers- 3D analysis [1]
      The impact of bimaxilly correction of mandibular prognathismus on the position of condylar processus of lower jaw [1]
      The influence of age, estrogen status and carotid atherosclerosis on dental pulp blood flow [1]
      The influence of different non-surgical chronic periodontitis treatment modalites on salivary oxidative stress markers and antioxidants [1]
      The influence of different types of suture materials and degree of their microbial colonization on the healing of oral surgical wounds [1]
      The influence of RUNX2 and WNT10A gene mutations on tooth number and size [1]
      The possibilites of prevention of oral diseases in children with epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica [1]
      The significance of vascular endothelial growth factor and bone morphogenetic protein-2 in reparative abilities of healthy and diabetic dental pulp [1]
      The state of oral health in children with diabetess mellitus type 1 in Montenegro [1]
      The therapeutic modalities examination in controlling the radiation mucositis of the postresectional defects of the orofacial region cancer [1]
      The use of cone beam computed tomography in the assessment of periodontal therapy outcome [1]
      Udruženost poliformizma gena TLRs 2,3,4 i CD14 kod bolesnika sa oralnim lihen planusom (OLP) [1]
      Uporedna analiza uspešnosti stabilizacionog splinta i farmakoterapije u osoba sa temporomandibularnim disfunkcijama [1]
      Uticaj amelogenina, faktora rasta i novih nanostrukturnih materijala na bazi kalcijum silikatnih cemenata na regeneraciju pulpe [1]
      Uticaj bimaksilarne hirurške korekcije mandibularnog prognatizma na promenu položaja zglobnog nastavka donje vilice [1]
      Uticaj fotodinamske terapije i diodnog lasera na uspešnost endodontskog lečenja mladih stalnih zuba i biostimulaciju matičnih ćelija poreklom iz apikalne papile [1]
      Uticaj hirurške tehnike ugradnje i mikro i makro dizajna implantata na njihovu stabilnost u bočnom segmentu gornje vilice [1]
      Uticaj HIV infekcije i antiretrovirusnih lekova na starenje parodontalnih tkiva [1]
      Uticaj mutacija RUNX2 i WNT10A gena na broj i veličinu zuba [1]